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Posts posted by TheBeninator

  1. That is pretty solid. The King has a strong killing potential, much like the kings guard he is with. Since he keeps the unit stubborn, you could consider trading in some of the killing potential for a ward save.

    I would take the rune of storms for the anvil as well, but it costs 50 points extra.

    You could get some point savings by dropping the GW from the miners. The pistols give them pair weapons, and they are base str 4, str 5 on the charge. Although not worthy of monster killing, miners in the rear of most units will do wonders without the GW. 

    Don't forget to give your runesmith a shield! He should be in the greybeard unit as he provides AP 1 and MR 1 automatically (which is an amazing value).

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  2. I realized I did not explain all that much about what to and what not to bring to OFCC.

    Please do bring 6 copies of your army list w/ point values and magic items. Lists are all open, meaning your opponent knows exactly what you have and what magic items you are equipped with. The list does not need any specific format. 5 Copies are for your opponents, 1 is for yourself.

    Please bring your army rules, I have a printed version of the T9A slim rulebook, but none of the armies.

    I will be printing off 1 tournament packet per table, which should stay with the table as a reference. If you would like your own, then you will need to print that out.

    I will also be printing/bringing all the materials necessary for the scenarios.

    Keep in mind these scenarios are mostly experimental, and this is a chance for us to contribute to the T9A project with some feedback to the community who developed these scenarios. To that end, I will have a place for comments on the scenarios, along with the standard end match questions, for each of the 5 matches. I hope to not bury you in paperwork so I will try to make them concise.

    The materials for the 2nd scenario "A Wise Commander" will be free for the taking after the event if you so choose, I wont need 8 copies to myself.

    Oh yeah, and bring your armies, tapes, dice, beautiful faces, and beer money.

  3. Very strong list for SA. Honestly the raptors are hit or miss, typically get more mileage out of a couple chaff units of hunters.

    Skinks + Camians only make sense as steadfast breakers, which will compliment your dino mash very well. Camian is pretty useful for the LD boost, and makes up nearly an entire rank of skinks by himself.

    I would put my skink characters on Taurasaurs for the protection. Taurasaurs are tough nuts to crack and your Firstboard/Alpha is going to attract WAY more attention than the wizard. I assume you are going druidism, at which point you definitely want him mounted on the Taura.

  4. Yep,

    They are pretty versatile alone. A unit of cav is a good call, just in case there are cannons around. Otherwise just throw them into combat, they are tough to break/kill.

    Spearbacks are pretty good, they eat chaff for breakfast and are long range for SA (18"). Str 4, AP1, BS4, 2d6 with quick to fire, light troops, M6. Even a flipping 4+ armor save.

    They are basically like ogre bombardiers, but better in every way. They were meh with the meta was big death stars. Now that things are more MSU, they wreck face.

    I guess their only downside is they cannot flee if charged from the front, though people typically avoid doing that.

  5. Currently I will not be playing (odd number of registered players) so you can scratch one SA. I currently know of 2 other SA lists (one being Diap2012)

    SA is the coolest army, so I would not blame you for bringing them. O&G is a close second.

    For SA lists, cowboys are still the lay of the land, they just cost a lot more now.

    Spearbacks are arguably broken as they seem to eat bricks of infantry better than salamanders


  6. Ill be there probably 9-10. I am taking the day off and making this 3 days of nerdiness. I am going to play a match with Sherbert whenever he ends up arriving, but before that I would be down for 9th or board games. Any board game is cool with me. I know elder sign requires at least 4 people to be good? I would imagine power grid is similar. I don't really have any 2 player games myself, besides axis and allies :D.

    I do have some super simple board games that we could probably get people into (Avalon and Coup)

  7. That is a very valid point, I had not considered the crossover before. I would be fine with switching the scenario out if it is a contentious idea. It was picked solely because the rules for it are so simple. But I cringe at the thought of someone getting a bit excited and yelling out something they might have not fully thought through during the heat of the match, which could certainly generate some problems. 

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