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Everything posted by KlawKnee

  1. Im open to visit again next month, noon game anyone?
  2. This sounds plausible, considering the realmgate books feel rushed with the artwork like a college student using triple spacing and larger point font on a term paper.
  3. Limiting casualties to just the kill circle (ie you can only kill upto the number of models within your weapons reach) might help favor troops again..
  4. Azyr empires is on indefinite hold.. I kinda agree with him that core troops are kinda lacking compared to monsters playing battles from scgt pool, but i also liked how end times upped the quota for heros..
  5. Did advance d&d crowd adopt d20 with open arms? Im more upset that white dwarf went from a hobby magazine to an advertising mail order catalog.
  6. >>still run Tomb Kings,I even mix them in with Stormcast.. Hmm temption to get the necrosphix rising
  7. Like the tank battle for 40k.. http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2016/03/40k-rules-tank-shock-organized-play-latest.html We get campaign stuff too,
  8. Have to work today, thinking of visiting for a bit beforehand maybe..
  9. Im trying to decide which chaos god to touch .. Nurgle is obvious choice but tzeech has been featured in fluff with rats too and the new warhammer quest box will feature them too.. Color wise im thinking tzeech blues and purples to mix up the greens and browns.
  10. They were the first, maybe mold broke.. Probably why finecast most of the weapon teams, tunnel team was still pewder Almost picked up a necrosphix but went with hellpit abomination since i like rats.
  11. No the warpgrinder came back and gone again..
  12. Chaos mail order has it too but you hafta order so much for free shipping, tho Mob i think has discount too but it was super packed with 40k tournament saturday when i went, but had stuff todo on Sunday so. Only one bookcase for fantasy including daemons, rest 40k. Tho they could be hiding the starter boxes somewhere, But i saw 3 Stormvermin and a doomwheel calling my name, Ive been wanting to try one with a Warpstone powered tunnel team squeak.. Plus 3 nurglings for a plague rat force has its appeal. So it looks stocked with what works well in aos.
  13. Seattle player here, had a few games at cafe mox.. IM told there's a Sunday league at mob games in lake Stevens, nice store tho Mugu games in Everett has stock for 25% off all warhammer (40k too)
  14. Mugu up here in Everett has 25% off but i have to hear how much of a failed game sigmar is each time.. Jk i like talking to the owner. Stormfiends are warming upto me a little, might just buy extras to get the weapons i want :/ ordered a Arch and some green edge paint.
  15. The Emperors armies -Sword of vengeance -sword of justice Plus short stories- feast of horrors & dury and honour. Lord of chaos -archaon: everchosen -archaon: lord of chaos Plus short story- archaon: the fall and the rise
  16. I want to recruit a few dungeon crawlers for a multi store campaign using warhammer quest. Preference being to have people with access to skaven.. http://www.wqchronicles.com/skaven.pdf Idea being to allow each band of heros to fight the vermin during a session while functioning independently and allowing bonuses for cross-platform play by registered games, say like age of sigmar, mordheim, vermintide and even Bloodbowl.
  17. They include 5 in the new battalion skaven box
  18. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Skaven-Warplock-Jezzails Back in stock.. Figures after i just picked up oldhammer ones
  19. Idk if kings of war becomes popular enough they might sell the pdfs on black library
  20. Clann Vrrtkin Oo more clan guns lol
  21. http://www.spikeybits.com/2016/03/revealed-new-aos-grand-alliance-order-warscolls.html
  22. Yeah even forgetting 2/3rds of their attacks the first round, they did better then the clanrats... never really used moulder in aos, Might have to get more Mental note for next time, more sleep hehehe
  23. Maybe, i like the homebrew rules for the bonebreaker http://s9.postimg.org/9rdj15oj3/1439117212222.jpg
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