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Everything posted by Twinmasks

  1. Definitely had no problems with the prizes given. Yes, they were a bit thinner than what they had a Twinfinity, but in all fairness I wasn't there to win prizes. I was there to have a good time with a bunch of great friends and hopefully make a few more in the process. While the booty chart did make for some very powerful spec-ops, I am not sure that it was game breaking (at least not in my matches). If not trying a custom booty chart in the future, then perhaps set it as one of the ways a team can get a medal (most spec-ops kills). Or at least something that encourages the death of spec-ops models. I liked the missions. Did anyone run into any huge problems with them? I would've really liked to see that Kyle rolling a 16 after opening the door in the final mission would've made for 16 zombies instead of just 5 , but I still enjoyed the mission. As for Question 2, can you clarify? I really liked the inclusion of the surprise when opening the door in the last mission. Is there anyway to include more outside-of-the-game impacters? They talked about examples of an air horn in the middle of a round to change the mission or insert a special additional rule at other events. I know I am essentially asking for more work from the TO and those helping, but just throwing it out there that I thought it was fun and would encourage further experimentation. I understand the stance on the 3 color minimum rule, but I am also worried that it chased some people away. Just something I thought worth mentioning.
  2. May have found a way around this dilemma... The placard doesn't need to be big, right? As long as it has the team member names and team name on it, it could be the size of say a business card? I do have a couple of buildings with our team name/motto stenciled onto them...
  3. Well ?... Guess I have on more thing to throw on my list... And here I thought I only had to finish amateur-ishly painting our friendly player grab bag stuff...
  4. Anyone know if Kyle is bringing his cosplay he wore at Twinfinity?
  5. Just curious what's the count up to for Face Punch Friday? More than the 5 reported back in June?
  6. Phase 3 Wotan Missions have been posted for easy use... https://sites.google.com/view/eugeneinfinity/wotan-missions-phase-3
  7. Hey, I believe I have tickets for both days purchased... Patchwork Mercenaries are already signed up for the narrative... Is there anything more than buying the ticket I need to do to sign up for the Friday Face Punch?
  8. Some updates for Eugene Infinity. Gonna try getting Wotan Phase 3 up a little faster than I did with Phase 2. https://sites.google.com/view/eugeneinfinity/wotan-missions-phase-2 I collected a large amount of Wotan Propaganda that has been posted by players and build a slide deck, if anyone is interested in reviewing them. https://sites.google.com/view/eugeneinfinity/wotan/wotan-propaganda
  9. So with Wotan being live I have updated Eugene Infinity to have the Wotan Missions hosted on mobile friendly pages... Check'em out if you get sick of PDF load times like me ? https://sites.google.com/view/eugeneinfinity/wotan-missions-phase-1
  10. This looks right to me... ? Alex
  11. So the entire site got an overhaul this weekend to make it less of a giant list and more mobile friendly (especially in the resources area) https://sites.google.com/view/eugeneinfinity/home
  12. Updated the page: https://sites.google.com/view/eugeneinfinity/infinity-the-game-resources Newly added, a matrix of over 100 active webstores for manufacturers and resellers identifying what they sell and materials their product are constructed from.
  13. So I am looking for a team for OFCC, since all the Eugenians are tied up during that time... Any other lone wolfs out there? Alex Sinkowski
  14. Also, feel free to hunt me down on Facebook if that is one of your modes of communication and you are so incline, Alex Sinkowski... I am pretty sure I am the only one on there!
  15. Thanks again for the great event! Rick and I both had a blast and were hyped all the way back down to Eugene! Can't wait for next year and hope to see everyone later on this year. Side note... Jenni can you post some pics of your army somewhere, I need to show my girlfriend what she needs to strive for. ;-)
  16. In scenario: 2... Is Minesweeper going to be a valid way to achieve the objective (they technically only switch ownership of the deployed device since HS3) or are only deactivators and dodging being damaged by the mine the ways to achieve this objective conditions?
  17. Also, let me know if it is looking like we are light on table setups. I like to think I am getting better at constructing a good table for a match (though all my MDF is still unpainted, sorry TDT Chris. I promise it will get done). Feel free to check out the kind of tables I can bring on the Eugene Infinity Facebook group page, I post weekly updated tables.
  18. Just curious if any decisions have been made on scenarios. This year so I make sure to bring a list able to compete in all scenarios (check my list with a lack of line troops for carrying trash from last year ) and have a chance to play test through the missions with my group down here prior. Can't wait for the event and we are working on talking some more of the Springfield/Eugene area crew into coming up with us. Alex
  19. Hopefully I am not running too late... Alex Sinkowski wants in, because I can lose like a champion! Hopefully Rick and I can get a couple more from our Eugene/Springfield group to join in this year
  20. I am really hoping there is some Infinity action... This last weekend's Rampage was a lot of fun! Thanks again for hosting! Alex
  21. Just had a friend direct me to this thread. I am totally down if there is still slots available. Alex
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