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Jay last won the day on January 30 2022

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About Jay

  • Birthday 03/02/1982

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  1. Chapter I. On the life and Death of Pater Lorenzius "In death we find the glory of his Holy fire, the birth of our soul into the His light, and the calling to bring the end to all who live and bring their resurrection into the Gilded Sepulcher!" 1. In a numberless year of the ten millennial rule of our Great and Holy God Emperor, it came to pass that a simple mendicant friar of the House of Cawdor heeded the calling to search out his purpose, serving the of the Lord of Humanity. And so he began his wanderings of the mighty Hive City, for one solar cycle and a day, walking among His children, from the high and mighty in their most austere spires to the wretched and lowly in depths below. And lo in these dark and hopeless spaces of the underhive did he find his glorious purpose. 2. In the last of his days, at the end of his striving, at the end of his wandering, at the end of his spirit, Pater Lorenzius came at last to a great and dark chasm in the depths of the lowest pits of the Hive City. In this place of without light, without life and without hope an ancient and powerful evil slept. It was a slithering beast from of the foul realms of chaos, a creature of scale and claw, horn and hair, of acid blood and foul odor. Of what purpose this dreadful thing had been summoned he did not know. Now in the the moment of his darkest doubt Pater Lorenzius found his purpose. He would slay this unholy creature and fulfill the call of the his Holy God Emperor. 3. And on this day was fought a tumultuous clash of the sacred and profane. Pater Lorenzius clad only in the Holy Emperors light and wielding, his blessed glaive of chain, brought judgement and wrath upon the demon. And lo the demon returned claw and tooth, black blood and bile and laid ruinous wounds upon the mendicant friar. The battle raged a day and eve, and on the second day, as in the ending of all things, the creature was slain dead, and in the same unhallowed space, so was the servant of The God of Death and of Life, Pater Lornenzius. Coming soon: Chapter II. On the founding the Fraternal Order of the Gilded Sepulcher
  2. Good to see you working on stuff again!
  3. Any Portland Ordo members playing commander on a regular basis?
  4. If you were still down here I would totally take that on. 🙂
  5. Did somebody say boardgames? 🙂
  6. Wife and kids are sick. I’m going to miss yet another week. Wish me luck for the next one.
  7. I just got back from trip outa town and I’m wiped. Next week sounds like a good plan.
  8. @zcaust83 Either one of those is fine. I haven't played battletech in years so if your up for some tutoring I will bring my stars and lances.
  9. Necromunda, Warcry, gaslands, board games even? I just want to be back at the club. @zcaust83 I bought a bunch of the blind boxes at B&N? Do you have any of the catalyst models you are interested in trading?
  10. Hey guys. I’m case you don’t see it in the gn thread I’m looking for a game Sunday the 30th.
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