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Posts posted by Lyraeus

  1. Well I found an STL I want to use as my base model... The best park is that it is from Geargutz the person who showed Skari the Chinork...so I followed the trail of what started my Chinork addiction... Need to This will take time to print but will be SOOOO worth it... as it stands its going to take a LONG time to get the 6 I want to start with let alone the 10 I ultimately want. 

    I also plan to add in GW bitz to make it look more like a GW model to allow it in tournaments  




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  2. Figured I would start this off since I have not seen much traction. 

    Asking people for games via this thread!

    Here is the Discord Link for those interested.



    I am including how to set up TTS as well! 


    This post for how to use Table Top SImulator

    To use Table Top Simulator you will need to find the army you wish to use. Just click on the Workshop button



    Then click on the search bar


    Type in the Army you are looking for (If you are having issues I can find a few that are good, just ask)


    Hover over and click the Plus sign on the one you want or you can click on the one you are looking at and subscribe to it after reviewing the pictures. 


    Once in Table Top Simulator Click on Create and then Single Player


    One you click on Single Player it will prompt you to select the game. Select either the Workshop or the item you just subscribed to.


    Once in there click on Objects at the top of the Screen.


    Then click on Components.


    Click on Tools


    Click on Bag


    The game will prompt you to place the bag on the table. 


    From here just drag and drop the units you want in this army. You can select 1 model for instance and in the actual game just copy and paste it.


    Once you are done Dragging and dropping into the bag the units you want to use, just Right Click the bag and select Save Object. 


    It will prompt you to name the Bag. Name it and Save it.

    From there you can access the bag by going back to Objects and clicking on Saved Objects. Your bags will be there waiting for you.


    From there you just need to open a map from the Workshop like you did the army builder.


    Place your Army Bag on the table and drag click on the back and drag and drop. It will pull out 1 model or item at a time. As stated I recommend only putting 1 model for each squad in there. Many of these have different states to the models which to get to just right click the model and if it has a State option near the top then it has multiple Wargear Versions. The necrons I use show this. 




    If the Army Builder you picked doesnt have this option then make sure that you have the appropriate models for your Army in your bag. You can always copy and paste models if you have permission. 


    When you create the game make sure it is in Multiplayer. Create a Game Name and make sure there is a Password. 


    Let me know if you have any questions or want to get a test game in. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Ish said:

    “On paper” I think Salty Monkey had the stronger army list, I had several turns of strong dice rolls allowing me to weather his strong shooting. Salty Monkey also deployed very deep into his deployment zone and the allowed me to bum-rush the Objectives.

    I think if he’d been a bit more aggressive and/or the Dice Gods hadn’t been so favorable to me, the game would have been his.

    That happened in my game as well. If Salty kept the possessed back and used them to screen the rubrics or had split them up and used one to swing around both flanks to threaten both objectives it could of been a different game. Especially if the 10 man Rubric squad was swapped where the 5 man were. Could of killed off my warriors there and then I would have relied on the Skorpekh even more. 

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  4. Week 2 Game 1 Ended in my Destroyer Lord being forced to withdraw by a Librarian from the Salamanders Chapter. A Salamanders Judiciar did not have the decency to die! It was on 1 wound remaining and passed something like 11 of 13 4+ invul saves over the span of 3 fight phases! GAH!!! Skorpekh Destroyers were the key unit again and so they finally leveled gaining Fleet of Foot! They just destroyed the Primaris Outriders with ease and survived against the Judiciar for so long!


    Week 2 Game 3 was a great game! Thousand Sons are not to be trifled with! Since my Skorpekh Destroyers now have Fleet of Foot they have a great Charge and Movement range and they just ZOOM up the board! They were able to take out a set of 5 Rubric Marines and then later killed even more. They also took out a possessed and did not fully wipe the second squad of Rubrics out.

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