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Posts posted by SPaceORK

  1. 15 hours ago, TheBeninator said:

    How many figures are in a 5lb bag? That sounds like quite the force.

    Well it's something like;

    6x 70x skeletons w/weapons n shields

    4x 40x skeletons w/bows

    2x 20x skeletons cav

    4x screaming skull catapults w/crew

    9x bolt thrower w/crew

    Various Lords mounted and unmounted, casters, and what appears to be a gigantic tiny Nagash.

    They are really cool, but I have zero time for an army like that and as a result have been sitting on a shelf for like 5 years now.

  2. 35 minutes ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    He didn't last long, but his potential, especially with CP usage is great. I think a second is near in my future. You know, alongside that Knight Warden, and the next FW order, and the motorcycle, and the.....


    ... and the never ending tide of models that appears over years of gaming. Yea I feel ya.

    I kinda want to get another thirster too, but I don't even use the one I have so seems like a waste. I'm more of a Nurgle kinda guy.

    I was reading through the entirety of this thread, seems like you played in the 40k league I started. Hopefully we can get something like that going here in the future.

  3. 10 hours ago, Lord Hanaur said:

    I think the point is, 31 is tooooo high and the disparity for some forces sooooo great that drawing a line does not seem strange for events that purport to be about friendly matchups.  Also, winning still requires you to win.  Competition doesnt disappear when you cap it.

    Where just not going to see eye to eye on this. You appear as though you like the kind of game that's "I'll bring a couple tac squads, maybe a captain with a power sword. But if you really want to to take it up a notch, I'll give him a powerfist! Which is totally fine. And maybe all your gamer friends are of similar mindset.

    I however feel this game offers a huge variety of options for skill levels. Today I played Kerrigan, who's list was three knights, bloodthirster and some dudes (batreps incoming later) against my  power level 40 knight and dev squad spam.

    Two hours later I was playing another game that was basically playing the starter box scaled up to 2k for each side.

    Both games felt equally fair because both parties, each time, went in generally knowing what they were going to face and prepared for it.

    So the point is, no restrictions need to be made if all players know whats out there.  In a tournament you should expect some very tough units. In a friendly game or a league or narrative campaign, you should expect armies to be more in the mild side. So capping power levels make perfect sense there.

    Edit: The more I think about it the problem I have with your mindset is the whole "friendly tournament" thing. Tournaments are meant, imo, to throw down the biggest, shootiest, choppiest things you can cram into the points and throwing dice until nothing is left until you claim your prizing. Then take your battered and beaten opponents out for meat and mead.

    Friendly games are meant for doing whatever. Playing that fluffy army cause it's cool or you really want ten dreadnoughts.

    Friendly doesn't go with tournaments, except for the sportsmanship and helping with rules kinda friendly. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Lord Hanaur said:

    Actually 12 was just an example I had used when we were discussing it and specifically in the context of using it to guide you for more friendly tournamwnrts.

    I went on to say (after my first couple games) that maybe 13 was better (a bull ork boyz unit is 13, so fairly mundane units reach that point).

    After further playing and testing (I'm now 16 for 16 in 8th Edition!) I can see with more clarity.  You can get up to about 21 power and still have what might be considered a "normal" friendly list.  Once you get close to that number, it starts to get less friendly.  The StormSurge appears at 22 for example.

    Understand that Genestealers don'g get above an 11 Power for their stuff.  Tyranids only get to 15.  But an ork can get to 49 Power.  The disparity there becomes obvious and so once you get around 21...  The scale tilts significantly after that between the haves and have nots, so to speak.

    So That is why I say 31 is well short of where I might draw the line.  It's just the comparative power that various forces CAN bring and the comparison of the two.   Consider it an observation worth thinking about.... in the context of a friendly tournament where the goal is to create less mismatches.

    Ehh... I can see where your coming from. But I feel tournaments are a competitive setting and unless something is clearly busted with no hope of beating it (2++ rerollable, invisible units etc) then things should be left as is.

    However, things like leagues, which are designed to bring people back in or help start, I can totally see capping power levels. But I would do so at 24 to allow for knights. I mean they aren't even that scary anymore.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    You said knights, I was looking at bringing 4...so yes! Looking forward to seeing the Prop.


    I need to see points. Haven't looked through IA Index Chaos yet. I'm thinking 2000 to 2500. 

    11? Noon?

    I like 2k but can go to 2.5k. I currently only have two knights built. Some more on order, one poor poor errant to be repaired. But the prop is like 815pts so hes more like a mini Titan. 

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, InfestedKerrigan said:

    LH is a great contributing member of the community, inculding hosting several events. My axe is that he hasn't allowed Knights at the Elvensword Ambassadorial as of yet. :) 

    Yea he seems like great fellow but not allowing an army cause you don't like it seems unfair. They aren't even that scary anymore.

  7. 45 minutes ago, InfestedKerrigan said:




    I bet you'll never guess who was suggesting 12.

    That Lord guy? He doesn't seem to like anything but troops and transports. Which is totally fine. I can't tell anyone how to enjoy their game. 

    Oh, my buddy Brick the Knight wants a word with your knights at some point! :)



  8. 1 hour ago, pretre said:

    If they table you, they get full points.

    Not really worried about that. A) almost no one has a warhound Titan. B) those who do, don't have the über scary double Vulcan mega bolter. The other weapon options just don't deal enough damage over squads (yes they can just one shot knights, but what can they really do against bricks of poxwalkers/cultists/conscripts?) C) if I'm in a tournament that allows those kind of things I should be prepared for them or hope the run into the guard player with 200+ conscripts. If I'm not in a tournament I don't really care what you bring.

    So if I do have to play against Double Vulcan MB Warhound + Magnus then I guess I need to be on my A game. Plus I mean that's cool too. How often do you actually get to play against something like that?

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Yarbicus said:

    So, most of my 40k playing was in 3rd and 4th edition.  I only played a handful of games in 6th and none in 7th.  I have an Imperial Fists army that I have been building and have some questions.

    1.  Are Razorbacks more viable now?

    2.  How are the Primaris Marines working out?  That is a completely new unit.

    3.  What about Vindicators?  I used to love them but they seemed less useful in 7th.

    4.  Best unit to put in a Drop Pod?  I only have one.

    1. Yes. Vehicles as a whole are more durable and more expensive but transports, like the razorbacks, are really good at delivering their guys to where they need to be. Keep in mind if you move heavy weapons are a -1 to hit.

    2. Primaris Marines are kinda meh. They have no special weapons. They are cheaper than Marines per wound but you loose the flexibility of the special weapons and combat squads. They also currently have no transports.

    3. Vindicators seem to have a low damage output for their points. Razorbacks, Las predators are great though.

    4. Drop pod are so expensive I wouldn't want more than 1 or 2.  But the same unit you would put in them in 6-7th are the same units you would still put in them now.

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