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Everything posted by scotthartman

  1. @jollyork hiya, I'm just getting back home from a trip and have another this coming weekend. If you want to try for a game Wednesday or Thursday I an swing that. Otherwise would be next week for me.
  2. cosgrove and I played our inter-divisional match already. I have entered my half of it for my team. Shane and I are expecting to play tomorrow.
  3. Let's try for tomorrow, Saturday, at 10.
  4. @sbr what time is good for you? I'll be available most of the weekend.
  5. Registered: Smells Like Green Spit Coach Name: PajamaRed
  6. I may come, still trying to figure out my new years plan.
  7. @jollyork I'm available if you want to have a practice game or two to get used to the interface.
  8. I changed my mind and will just play second season with my orks.
  9. I'll play again with a new team. Probably Skaven, maybe High Elves
  10. Steve and I are expecting to play next Tuesday.
  11. I'll let you know. Have to check Denice's work schedule.
  12. Also remember that the BA league in January is meant to be escalation, so you can start with basic units and HQ and then add to it. Try to have fun with it and not overburden yourself. Cheers
  13. Yes some of the older kits have separate weapons from the arms, which can be a pain mainly because they are small. It's not horrible but definitely annoying, especially for an infantry heavy force. I have some of the Brits airborne and they were easy to assemble. The only assembly issue I had with them was attaching wheels to their Jeeps, needed a fair amount of greenstuff to help stabilize them.
  14. I am often available on alternate days. Not sure where you live but we could find a place and a time that is convenient. My army has quickly gone from sprue to built to primed as I expect my next two months to be busy, now I can focus on some table ready paintjobs and reading the rules again. 🙂
  15. 10 or 11 should be ok for me.
  16. I'm out of town on vacation until Friday. Maybe Saturday?
  17. For new players and old players that need a refresher, like me, I recommend Wahoo Warrior's YouTube channel. He has a basic how to play playlist and tons of Bolt Action content. Also the On Tabletop guys have done some BA videos that are decent, though they do get some rules wrong on occasion.
  18. @savion47 tonight? I'm traveling next week so tonight and tomorrow are ok for me. After that will have to be next weekend.
  19. I'll be playing ze Germans. Still figuring out which platoon selection but I'm leaning towards 1944-45 Holding the West Wall because it includes all of the unit types that I am interested in. the Battle of France has better options for the models that I actually have already. 🙂 Dreams and reality, have to go with reality for now. Cheers
  20. @Burk My orcs are in the playoff competition now
  21. I have a decent amount of the original Deadlands Doomtown ccg if you are interested.
  22. Didn't see any requests so I have requested to join.
  23. @Frostitute Tuesday good for you to play our round 3 game?
  24. @Maxwell Christian Longshot question but would you be able to play our round 4 game today around 3pm at WoW?
  25. @Frostitute Not sure if you are back in town yet. Are you able to meet on Tuesday? maybe a bit early like 3pm (assuming someone may be able to open WoW by then)?
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