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Posts posted by Ish

  1. 5 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    Hmm...So if playing between box sets, are points used? Do all the boxes include the same point cost army?

    No; Play between Start Collecting boxed sets is pure "Open Play" territory. 

    The SC boxes mostly all offer a good value for your dollar and offer solid building blocks for your army... But they aren't balanced at all. Especially considering that a few have kits that can be built into different units.

    My daughter's Sylvaneth set, for example, works out to be 600 Points if built to match to the cover of the box: Branchwych (100), sixteen Dryads (120 per 10, so 240), and a Treelord (260). But that same Treelord could have been built into a Treelord Ancient (300) or Spirit of Druthu (400).

    Meanwhile, my Ironjawz box doesn't have any dual kits, just a Warchanter (80), three Gore-Gruntas (180), and ten Ardboyz (180). A mere 440 Points...

    My advice? Don't get too hung up on points. Sure, you'll probably want to keep the Matched Play rules in mind as you build your collection and Points are a big part of those rules... But in the meantime, just worry about getting some games in. OFCC 2018 is a long ways away. ?

  2. Summoning in Open Play is only limited by the player having to actually have the models available... If you can summon 3d6 Fiendish Dire Weasels, roll a sixteen, but only have twelve models, you can only put 12 on the table.

    For Matched Play, you need to set aside a certain number of points. Say, 250 Points in your 1,000 Point List. Anything you can summon can be summoned using this "pool," subject to the point cap and your having to have the models. 

  3. 48 minutes ago, Threejacks said:

    Look for the once a month Fri evening sessions to start up again after OFCC:)

    If at all possible, can you ask Guardian to include a table outside of Critical Sip as part of the AoS reservation?

    Our newest Queen of the Wyldwood isn't going to be of legal drinking age for another decade. ?

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  4. 19 hours ago, JamesCrane said:

    Awesome. Wish I would have read this sooner. Let me know if you ever want to get a game in.

    Indeed. I'll definitely try to mention it on here whenever I can. Our last outing was kind of spur of the moment.

    8 hours ago, Pyre Warden said:

    That's awesome, i saw your facebook post and commented. Is she still planning on painting cherry blossom themed sylvaneth? 

    Oh yes, she's quite insistent upon it. Hopefully we can get the supplies we need this coming week and start painting them next weekend.

    After all, her father has taken great pains to explain that painted models to more Sixes. It's a scientific fact. 

  5. Officially, bases do not matter. However, this is very commonly ignored and almost everyone still does their measuring from bases, etcetera. However, almost everyone also considers square bases perfectly acceptable if that's how you already built your models. Some tourneys might have specific requirements and you might run into "That Guy" on occasion who will whinge about it... But, for the most part, no one cares.

    The "standard" for tourneys seems to be 2000 Points, Matched Play, using the GHB and Battletomes. As usual for war gamers, most people seem to have adopted this as the "default" for pick up games as well. However, AoS scales far better both up and down than any previous iteration of WHFB I have ever played (and I got started in '91) so you shouldn't have much trouble getting people to play you in smaller matches as you build up your collection.

    Also, a new revised GHB is due out... soon.. ish... No exact date has yet been announced, but signs point to late summer. (Once the 40k Hype Train has fully cleared the station.) So if you want to wait a few months on that, you could save yourself some money... or spend it on MOAR MODELS! ?

    For what it's worth, I've gotten in three games now using just the Start Collecting box (plus one model) against other players with similarly small starter armies. Every game was quite enjoyable and felt like a "full" game, something never possible with starter boxes in older WHFB editions or 40k.

    (Oh, and there's an important Errata you should know about: all Death Armies suffer a –5 to hit penalty when fighting Ironjawz. Honest. Would I lie to you?)

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  6. hope it comes sooner... But, I'm naturally cynical. But, in this instance, I'd love to be proven wrong.

    I think the x-factor is how big of a "competitor" for Eighth Edition a new GHB would be and how willing GW is to have it competing for our hobby dollars.

  7. My guess is that with Eighth Edition being the big thing this summer (new rules, new Imperial Marines, new Nurgle Marines) we probably won't see anything big for AoS until very late summer / early fall.

    Maybe a small release of a Nurgle-book but with no/few new kits, akin to the recent Blades of Khorne book, to piggyback on the surge in interest that new Plauge Marines will probably bring. Maybe some dual purpose 40k/AoS kits for Nurgle Daemons/Cultists, as we saw with Tzeentch.

  8. 1 hour ago, deadwing34 said:

    I was really hoping they would have just made this new ruleset part of the GH2, I am worried about how willing people will be about adopting this format with it being a separate rulebook. But the price point is certainly low, I am still going to get one and would love to see some local events adopt this ruleset and use it.

    Well, if the rulebook is the same approximate length as SW:A and the rules are more akin to the Necromunda/Mordheim/SW:A level than the AoS one... Then they probably couldn't fit it into the next GHB.

  9. £40 is an interesting price point; most of the character models in the Skirmish preview pic retail for around £20... I wonder exactly what comes in these sets? The Ironjawz set seems like a strong indication that there's going to be a Weirdnob Shaman in that one at least.

    Ironjawz Brutez retail for £30, the Shaman is £20... Both in one box with a £10 discount? In the past I'd have called this madness, but several of the Star Collecting boxes offer even bigger savings.

    Given that I plan to add oodles of Brutes and at least one Shaman to my Ironjawz army... 

  10. Well, I'm committed now: Guardian Games gave me a Start Collecting! Sylvaneth box in exchange for letting them swipe a tiny rectangular bit of plastic through a machine that went beep.

    Eldest Child and I share a birthday this coming Monday (5/15). She's going to get the present of a bunch of angry walking shrubbery and my present will be getting to krump'um with my orcs.

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