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Tallarn Commander

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Everything posted by Tallarn Commander

  1. This is a good discussion. In my games where I set aside points for daemon summoning I also often find I'd rather keep my CSM characters moving during the movement phase. However, in many of my games this year I've been taking Renegades and Heretics alongside my Chaos Marines. Aside from Russes, Sentinels, and Marauders the R&H underperform, but that's another thread. But I've been rhinking about using the R&H Renegade Commanders as a base for some Turn 2 summoning. On Turn 1, run 1 up each flank. Enemy snipers always ignores them and shoot my CSM characters, Deffy, or my Zerkers' Rhino on Turn 1 anyway. Then on Turn 2 they start summoning! This would leave my CSM characters free to keep keep moving during their movement phase. It would also make Renegade Commanders Dnegrah and Vicious Pete (currently a useless tax) quite useful!
  2. Bobo is awesome! He's gorgeous and easily identifiable as a Bullgryn.
  3. Yes, it was a fun game! I posted a longer write up as well as a link to our 2017 game on my Bolter and Chainsword Chaos blog. If you're interested, here's the link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-ofcc-comments-and-pictures/?p=5370796
  4. Hello everyone, I had a great time at Ordo this year. My chaos army (Night Lords teamed up with Renegades and Heretics) lost 4 games and tied 1. All my opponents were very nice and all my games were very enjoyable. Here are a baker's dozen photos from the event. Shot of the Night Lords with their Nostroman 9th mercenaries Blood Angels fliers target the Chaos line Traitor Leman Russ Khorne's Ire lays down a base of fire Awe-inspiring black and red Death Company liquidates Chaos Militia Trooper Chillgibber and his squad fight impressive blue and purple Genestealer hybrids BloodLady the Blood Slaughterer and 7th Squad assault the Genestealer Cult line 5th Squad charges Wraithblades 888 the Blood Slaughterer kills a breathtaking Wraithseer while 5th Squad mops up some Dire Avengers Deffy the Defiler and BloodLady the Blood Slaughterer face off against AdMech Dragoons 1st Militia Squad in melee with Vanguard 888 slices up a gorgeous Admech underground vehicle thingie Stormtroopers slay Cultists in the trenches. This battle felt like a Gaunt's Ghosts novel. 7th Squad's Mutant Rabble battles some beautiful Mordians As always, OFCC was great fun! Thanks to all my opponents and all my team-mates on Team Infil-Traitors! Night Lords, "The quick and the dead." Nostroman 9th, "Hell's horde."
  5. And I recently finished up 5 more R&H infantry and 2 traitor Leman Russes. Here are some pics: All 5 troopers Skara Bale Wirewolf Duqud Oracle 2 Leman Russes, Reaver and Khorne's Ire Now I only have to paint names on the bases of 24 troopers and then I'm ready for OFCC. Nostroman 9th, "Hell's horde."
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