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Everything posted by WiseKensai

  1. Well, Rose City Raid isn't happening this year, but here are a bunch of lists that people would have taken! Mission 023 Report: Lists in Context Time to use your lieutenant without a safety net in August's mission! Write in to report@bromadacademy.com for a chance to win a blister or patch! Mission 024: Aggressive Lieutenants
  2. Had a good game of Countermeasures, OSS versus Bakunin using N3 + Code One rules. A and B Lead to C
  3. Well, Code One is for teaching, so I played a teaching game with one of our new locals, using TTS. Much easier to do that with newer folks than play my ridiculous remote gaming setup for social distancing. See the full writeup with analysis below! Do-Learn with Demons
  4. 2020 Quarter 3 Bromad Academy Painting Contest is live! Theme is Lieutenants. Happy Painting! Painting Contest 003 - Lieutenants With Rose City Raid 2020 canceled, Adam and I missed an opportunity to torture all the attendees with a punishing mission lineup and terrain heavy tables! We're bringing the pain to you now for July's Bromad Academy mission, so if you fancy a list building challenge, make lists that you would've taken to RCR and be entered to win prizes! See the link for details! Mission 023: Lists in Context
  5. Thanks to our respondents for June's Bromad Academy mission on Forward Observer bots! I'll let them speak for themselves, they had great responses! Mission 022 Report - Forward, Observer!
  6. Thanks to all of our painters who submitted an entry for the Code One Painting Contest! We'll be going over all the entries July 7th, 8:30PM US Pacific Time on The Dice Abide LIVE on Twitch! Until then, here are the entries! Painting Entries 002 - Code One
  7. Time to say goodbye to N3 with a playthrough of Campaign Paradiso... a full edition late! Join @TheDiceAbide and I on our journey through the narrative campaign! Campaign Paradiso: Prologue 01
  8. Had a great game with physical OSS models for the first time. I do some light discussion of pacing in the battle report as well. Ye Old Yadu
  9. May is over, and so is the Code One feedback mission (but NOT the painting contest, which will go on through the end of June). We had some really detailed feedback this month, so go have a look! Mission 021 Report - Code One June's Bromad Academy mission is to take a Forward Observer bot (aka the Specialist Operative bot in Code One). We'll be running the Code One painting contest through the end of June as well! Details in the link! Mission 022 - Forward, Observer!
  10. Whelp, got a game of Unmasking in with @thediceabide using my silly remote tabletop setup. He's started Bakunin! One of us! One of us! I Ran so Farzan
  11. Took O-12 for their shakedown cruise in my first game of Code One! It's a good time. I'm LOVING the changes to Spotlight. Game One, Code One
  12. Just got my first game of Code One in at 15 points. Very reminiscent of N3 Recon+. I enjoyed it, and you can read about in the battle report below! She's the Law CB has knocked it out of the park in terms of making a great teaching tool!
  13. Yeah, once you see the ARO system, it's REALLY hard to go back to other game systems. Welcome aboard!
  14. @MexicanNinja Thursday nights there are folks looking for TTS games: https://www.cascadiainfinity.com/blog/2020/4/26/cascadia-infinity-on-tabletop-simulator Join the Cascadia Discord (invite in the link above) and you can ask someone for a game... ideally set one up beforehand, of course. There's enough experienced folks lurking on the discord that you could ask someone to ride shotgun for you during your TTS game and help you out. I'm playing a game that I've scheduled a week ago using my remote play setup (physical table/models + webcams) tonight, or I'd offer you a TTS game. Stick with 15 point games of Code One for awhile. Currently there's no baked-in support for a smaller map in Infinity's TTS module, you'd have to cordon off a smaller area or wait for the guys working on that to finish the smaller Code One maps. I'll be playing a 15 point game of Code One tonight around 7:30 PM Pacific on twitch.tv/bromadacademy, if you want to watch. Feel free to ask questions as well. I don't know if I'll be able to get to all of them but people on Twitch chat should be able to help if I'm busy with the game. The show that @Exile linked to is a talk show that Adam and I started. If you want the raw games, TTS or remote play setup, you can check here: https://www.mercrecon.net/tag/remote-game https://www.mercrecon.net/tag/tts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_RWedyko4Sv9YLynB4QCVA Hope this helps.
  15. www.bromadacademy.com/start is a little out of date, since it was written before Code One, but it says basically everything I would tell you. Just substitute "Code One" every time I say "Recon+" in the article. I'll eventually get around to updating it...
  16. Took O-12 for their shakedown cruise in my first game of Code One! It's a good time. I'm LOVING the changes to Spotlight. Game One, Code One
  17. With the release of Code One, it's time for a Code One themed mission! If you can't get a game in, paint a Code One model. If you can (responsibly), write in and tell us about it! Mission 021 - Code One
  18. Thanks to all our participants in April's painting contest! We'll be reviewing the submissions and announcing the winner on Tuesday, May 5th, at 8:30pm US Pacific time @TheDiceAbide LIVE on Twitch! Mission 020 Report - Furious Paint
  19. WiseKensai

    Well, darn

    If there's interest in a Tabletop Simulator tournament, we could do that, and thanks for the kind words. Hope you and everyone else are well!
  20. Well, if you wanted to see me flounder around on Tabletop Simulator playing an unfamiliar faction, look no further! Garbage In, Garbage Out
  21. Added some house rules for civilians as area templates to add some additional complexity to a remote game of Infinity. Thanks to @Zelaponeepus for suffering through the crazy new rules and my first outing with Dahshat! Dah VIRD is the Word
  22. Broke out my JSA to see who would reign supreme against Dahshat! Another remote game on the mountain table. Brute Force Kusarigama
  23. Another remote game, Svalarheima versus White Banner, playing Rescue. We thought it'd be fun if the ice forces were rescuing people... then the narrative got a little silly. Good game though! Winter Rescue Banner Force
  24. More remote gaming, this time Yu Jing versus ForCo. Really this exercise has been more about remote gaming, table testing, with the added complication of limited insertion... I definitely feel like I've lost focus or my edge or something... ThanCo: Crits are our Standard
  25. Here's another report, also remote, against White_Lang. He's only a 10 minute drive away, but we're doing the quarantine thing! Not the most representative report for Svalarheima, but it's another data point. No Just Cause
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