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Salty Monkey

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Everything posted by Salty Monkey

  1. yeah I'm still posting...Red Corsairs Chaos Lord converted from assault intercessor
  2. Oh I hope this is a sign of good things for Chaos this year!...and I hope his stats get upgraded to show how bad a** he should be!
  3. Since Covid just will not let up I have decided to start a new army project...enter the 138th Penal legion. I picture them as scrapers The Empire sends in to clean up battle sites. due to the dangerous work they have been given under the command of General Lucas Kavo and give the right to run an armed legion with weapons and vehicles they are able to repair and patch together. This is going to be a rescue project focusing on rehabbing minis I find on Ebay. The first finished is this Russ...I expect alot of Tanks with this project 🙂
  4. I found this chimera and my Mek brain destroyed it...in a good way I suppose
  5. Ok Covid any time you're ready to leave, leave. We gotz some things to do Marine hunters are ready!
  6. Working through minis laying around so here are some Scourged chaos space marines terminators
  7. its just some gravel terrain stuff I picked up, painted and dry brushed https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/C1287
  8. part 2 of the Drukhari Kill team, Mandrakes ...I hope they make some new resin versions of these because i'm not the biggest fan of the fine cast that said I think they'll get the job done
  9. Darn you Covid...you are the reason for this 😉 Blood Axes GunWagon / Kannonwagon
  10. Testing out some Toxic / radioactive orks...first go is a weirdboy
  11. I will be there to "hopefully" slap the gitz off of @Lyraeus Grot Tank army!
  12. Unfortunately I will not be able to make it on Tuesday. Have fun 🙂
  13. decided I wanted a 2nd technomancer instead of a plasmancer so snip snip and jazz hands!
  14. Cool, Ill be there as early as I can and Ill bring some Warcry if theres time.
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