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Warham Pathfinder: Pigman conquers the world


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Im gonna go ahead and apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors but im doing this on my phone. So here is my back story tell me what ya think.


     Yasuo Itto was born to follow the way of the warrior. At least thats what his fellow samurai believed. The itto family have been proud and honorable samurais of the great Shogun Minamoto Yonamito whose territory stretched through most of the Wall of Heaven a mountain range that spanned the western coast of Tian Xia. As the first born son of his father Ogami itto it was his right to such honor though he still cared for his brother Zed itto a great deal.. From a young age he was taught the ways of samurai to put honor before anything failure and retreat were never an option a honorable death serving his Shogun is all Yasuo ever wanted all he ever dreamed of.By the age of 12 he had finished his trials and was deemed a full fledged samurai the youngest in his clans history he had finally earned a taste of the honor that he desperately craved.


     So Yasuo was tasked for watching the small village of Ashoro. Despite being considered a safe post Yasuo took his charge very seriously constantly training and mastering his horse slaying sword technique a style of combat that only he had mastered in recorded knowledge of the last 300 years. Studying non stop from scrolls he discovered in the forest of spirits.By the age of 20 he had become somewhat bored by his post only a few pickpockets and farmers disputes had occurred in his 8 year station though he dare not make mention of this to his shogun he waited patiently for a chance to prove his worth and raise his station.


    On a cold winter night such a opportunity presented itself. While enjoying his evening dinner a strange old lady approached him. There is a demon of tooth and claw slaughtering the live stock in farms north of the village. The beast has many eyes and while i only caught a glimpse it appeared to have 4 arms brandishing the swords of fallen samurai. It seemed odd to Yasuo at first but he was not about to cower from his duty's if this beast was around he would find it and put it to a end truly that would bring him into the Shoguns gaze once more. So he set off to the north in search of the great beast. After a few hours travel he discovered a set of unusual tracks still fresh in the snow and began chasing down his quarry. After twenty minutes or so Yasuo found him self deep with in the forest when the tracks vanished with out a trace. Not only in front of him but the way he had come as well.

   Suddenly he spotted movement in the trees. It was the strange old lady but something was off about her. Then he noticed She had 6 eyes in three rows  along her forehead and 2 extra arms jetting out of her back. Yasuo drew his sword Not wanting to give the demon a chance to attack.  After just a few steps the ground under Yasuo crumbled as he fell into a pit. The last thing he saw was the Demons crooked smile. "Rest easy young samurai you shall be free soon enough." With that the demon covered the pit and Yasuo was trapped 20 feet below the surface  surrounded in ice. Though he tried to escape He deemed it impossible after what seemed like a couple days and descided to save his strength for when the demon returned he still had his swords and he could still put an end to the demon. 


  After a week (though it seemed like a life time) The PIt opened once again and a rope ladder unfolded down to him. Though when he climbed to the top he found nothing but a loaf of bread and a arrow pointing what he figured was the way back to his village. He ate the bread jealously it helped regain his strength greatly as if by some strange magic and he set forth for his village keeping an eye out for the demon or her tricks.As he got closer the farms he passed were erily silent not even a bird made a noise. Though Yasuo thought nothing of it seeking a warm bed and a fire was his only thought. As he turned the last bend to his village Yasuo's jaw dropped there on the old grand oak at the center of the village bodies hunge half burnt and mutilated. Before Yasuo could fully take in what was in front of him he heard the familiar voice of his brother Zed."There he is!" Suddenly Yasuo was surrounded by his fellow samurai swords drawn. "how could you do this how could you bring such dishonor to our family you slaughter your village and kill your shogun to what purpose! how dare you call your self samurai!" I know nothing of these accusations Yasuo cried and what do you mean slaughtered my shogun are you saying that Shogun Minamoto Yonamito is dead? " do not play ignorant Yasuo" Zed itto exclaimed a crackle in his voice "The shogun was cut with the signature X of the Horse slaying technique you so jealously kept for your self no one else could have possibly killed our beloved shogun i am here for your head for the sake of our family please die with dignity." with that Zed and his fellow samurai attacked Yasuo with all they had yasuo tried to reason with them as they fought but his words fell on deaf ears. 

   After but a few minutes only Yasuo remained standing his brother zed kneeling before him the only one of the samurai left alive. I am sorry brother i do not know what has happened here but i will not rest till the real culprits life ends to the edge of my blade. With that Yasuo ended his brothers misery. He set forth back into the forest hunting the demon hoping to seek his vengeance and regain his honor. After a few days more samurai from his clan were on his tail and he was forced to flee further and further north finding trace evidence of his hated demon foe. Eventually they caught up with him as he reached the Crown of the World His father Ogami Itto was among the samurai. He pleaded to his father that it was not him and he was framed by a demon of the mountains but his father would not listen. He challenged his Son Yasuo to a duel to the death If he won he would be allowed to live exiled to the crown of the world. With out supplies Yasuo would not make it far anyways so the other samurai agreed. The duel last 15 long minutes that seemed to never and but finally Yasuos blade found his fathers throat as the life left his fathers eyes Yasuo felt cold colder then he had ever thought possible as he felt the light leave his eyes. and was deemed victorious. So Yasuo was banished to the crown of the world.
  The samurai told the country men that Yasuo was slayed and lay dead in the mountains. This was far from the truth as Yasuo survived the crown of the world making it to Avistan following the ever vanishing traces of the demon. Nearly frozen solid and nearly starved to death he was found by a family who fed him and gave him new clothes. He stayed with them one night and was gone in the morning leaving only a few coins where he rested. He continues his quest for the demon for his honor and now to seek his own way of the warrior as a ronin a samurai with no master.yasuo_by_yy6242-d6xljq7.png

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I did my main account had all but 5 champions unlocked 35ish skins and any rune i could ever want,unfortunately it got sold to pay bills. So no not anymore. I assume this question is from my name and picture? I love the name Yasuo just sounds bad ass and Ogami Itto is the main character in my favorite movie series lone wolf and cub from there though the background story is all me.

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I'm ready to go for tonight except I couldn't find my wet erase marker. Could whoever had some there last time bring those agani? I'm getting Andy to bring all of our D&D minis that he's been keeping secret and keeping safe for me so no more pigs represented by crouching old men or having to steal Kevin's Spartacus minis!


I will be down today anytime between 5:45 and 6:15

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