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Help me make a Sisters HoR Kill team, List 1


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As I've never played Sisters or HoR Kill Teams I'm not sure what a decent list would look like. Could I make a decent team out of....



sisters of battle:
saint celestine
5 seraphim
3 sisters repentia
1 mistress of repentence
10 battle sister with bolters
2 sister superior with plasma
1 sister with storm bolter
1 sister with flamer
2 rhinos (with inquisition hatches)

I'm working on a trade and the guy offered me this list. Obviously I can't use rhinos but I'd appreciate some feedback on if a Kill Team could be hammered out of these ladies. Thanks!

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Celestine could be a good stand-in for a Seraphim Superior with the Sword of St. Sabbat and a Blessed Mantle, which would make a good Leader I think.


As for Core, 10 Battle Sisters would make a good backbone, although you're really light on special/heavy weapons. Flamers are pretty good, but I'd pick up a Meltagun and heavy bolters for use as Retributors if at all possible to round out the force.


For Specials I'm fond of HB Rets and Seraphim (with double hand flamers if possible). I'm not sold on Repentia, they aren't quite cheap or fast enough to be a credible distraction unit, and they'll die if any gun in the world looks at them funny. A Hospitaller might be a decent choice for the 6" FNP bubble too.

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Although I play a lot of sisters, I am not familiar with the HoR kill team rules. Celestine is key in any small force though as she is such an awesome model for her points.


Battle Sisters with HF/Meltagun are great and cheap. Also, in small games Seraphim and Rets are both great as CLC said.

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Flamers are very nice for ignoring all the cover that should be cluttering the board.


Haven't played Sisters yet but Seraphims should be a solid choice for the Jump Infantry. And I hate to say it but with no vehicals Meltas are almost not worth taking. The AP is golden but lots of armies are bringing 4+ core and 3+ can be delt with too. 2+ though will always be a pain but there are very few of those in HoR.

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Loking over the army list and not seeing as many special weapons as I'd expect. Jump packs and dual hand flamers sounds fun though ;)

Part of me kinda wants to paint them very clean and regal. Maybe a classy ivory base with deep purple robes and shining silver trim. A bigger part of me wants to do em up like an 80's glam metal band. Black armor, tons of gold bling and wild animal prints!

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I'd find the points (you're 4 short if you have 9 leftover now) to take a Seraphim Superior as Leader instead, because you need two "Seraphim" (of which the Superior counts as 1) in your list to unlock their Act of Faith which is really good, and because having a Jump Pack on a melee leader is so incredibly beyond useful it isn't even funny.


I'm not too fond of the Multi-melta because it's Heavy, and Heavy weapons tend to have LOS issues in Kill Team, and because it doesn't really benefit from the Ret Act of Faith like a HB does. Melta-stuff is mostly good because you can use it to pop around corners and instagib T4 multi-wound guys (like, say, every MEQ leader ever), but the MM doesn't do that too well due to being Heavy.

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That Chaos Chris is right, Multi-Melta is too much Melta. Avoid Heavy Weapons unless their range is extremely long. (A sniper of sorts. Good field control but don't expect them to pull too much weight with all the terrain.)


And the Acts of Faith are worth bringing 2 Sepharims. Also what about Daminions with meltas instead of the Heavy Weapons?

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Soon! Need to figure out a good sitter situation :blush:


List #2 Seraphim Superior, Sword O Sabbot, Mantle

10 sisters 2 melta

Hvy bolter Retributor

Seraphim dual hand flamers

Better at tougher targets with 2 melta and jump AP2. Hvy bolter and jump pyro for hordes


Jump Superior, Meltabomb, Mantle

10 sisters 2 flamer 

Hvy bolter Retributor

Jump pyro

Dominion meltagun

Knocks down Jump Boss to a melta bomb from AP2 sword, better horde list with some heavy hitting power.

Hmmm maybe I'll hammer out another twelve or thirteen lists 


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