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Posting pictures of my figures


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Hello there,


My apologies, as I'm sure one or more of you have already answered this.


Since I've been moved to night shift I'm actually getting some painting done and would like to post pics to get some feedback from the local gaming group. 


1.  I have an old, crappy digital camera... the photos don't need to be super up close, do they?


2.  I can just attach files like a normal computer thingiemabobber, right?  Or I thought someone said to use some other program or something. 


Obviously, a lot of my computer issues are "PICNIC" errors.  That's "Problem In Chair, Not In Computer" for those in the know.


Any help is appreciated.


Stay safe,



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Generally speaking, even crappy old cameras can produce good results, but to make things easier on them, make sure the mini is well lit. Indirect light is best, as a direct spotlight on the thing will just create glare, and a solid colored background (white works well, but darker backdrops can as well). Don't use a flash, and don't back-light the model.


If your camera has a macro mode, use it, but understand that you'll be able to see every brush stroke. Sometimes it's just better to take a wide shot and then crop the photo to the mini. A slower shutter speed produces better close up results, but you'll have to be extra steady to compensate. It might require propping the camera up and using the timer if you can't keep it steady.


I personally think imgur.com is a great service for uploading stuff.

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I use imgur, too.


Use a tripod and a timer. Given that slow shutter speeds are better, keeping it steady is essential, as Brad says. Best image editor for the money (it's free) is Picassa, by the folks at google. You can use it to tweak the light or color balance if need be, but once you get practiced enough, you won't need it. I used to have to tweak the heck out of my photos, but these days, it's the rare photo that I have to do anything other than crop.

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