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A note for TAU players


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Been looking through the TAU in my Xenos Index. Keep hearing about marker lights being the the make or break of the TAU army at present. That said, the cheapest markerlight unit in TAU codex is amazing (on paper), and I never see them fielded:

The Firesight Marksman is a 24pt Elite slot CHARACTER with BS 3+ and a markerlight (points included in that 24pts). Also has a 2+ save while in cover. If I were fielding TAU, I'd consider an entire Detachment of just these. 

If looking for this model, that's the model that comes with the sniper drones, which are a seperate unit in this edition. For conversions, it's basically a regular firewarrior working at an oversized and armored computer console, and comes on a 40mm base.

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The T’au Empire


The forces of the Greater Good embark on their great Fifth Sphere Expansion* this March.

The new Codex: T’au Empire is big news for any fans of the Greater Good for a host of reasons. We’re particularly excited by the prospect of having army-wide sept rules for the very first time – with the option to build your collection around a force from one of the empire’s five most famous worlds, or even have them represent the forces of the renegade Farsight Enclaves.

Don’t you worry, we’ll have loads more details on what this new codex means for your army very soon.

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15 hours ago, paxmiles said:

Been looking through the TAU in my Xenos Index. Keep hearing about marker lights being the the make or break of the TAU army at present. That said, the cheapest markerlight unit in TAU codex is amazing (on paper), and I never see them fielded:

The Firesight Marksman is a 24pt Elite slot CHARACTER with BS 3+ and a markerlight (points included in that 24pts). Also has a 2+ save while in cover. If I were fielding TAU, I'd consider an entire Detachment of just these. 

If looking for this model, that's the model that comes with the sniper drones, which are a seperate unit in this edition. For conversions, it's basically a regular firewarrior working at an oversized and armored computer console, and comes on a 40mm base.

I have two Firesight Marksmen in my force.  I kick off every round with them and my T'au Fireblades firing away. Marker Drones maxing the job out and gthen the barrage.  Two units gone per turn generally.  Thank you, Firesight Markman!

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8 hours ago, Lord Hanaur said:

I have two Firesight Marksmen in my force.  I kick off every round with them and my T'au Fireblades firing away. Marker Drones maxing the job out and gthen the barrage.  Two units gone per turn generally.  Thank you, Firesight Markman!

What's your current list?

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On 2/25/2018 at 8:49 AM, andy said:

What's your current list?

Highly unorthodox?  Maybe?  This is BASICALLY it.


For the Greater Good.

Tau Arctic Corps Fortification Network
7    (139pts)Tidewall Gunrig
7    (139pts)Tidewall Gunrig
7    (139pts)Tidewall Gunrig
  = 417

Tau Arctic Corps Expeditionary Brigade
Heavy Suppert[/u]
3    (54pts)    3 Sniper Drones
3    (54pts)    3 Sniper Drones
3    (54pts)    3 Sniper Drones
  = 162
2    (31pts)    Kroot Shaper
1    (24pts)    Firesight Markmen (Markerlight)
1    (24pts)    Firesight Markmen (Markerlight)
  = 79
Fast Attack
6    (137pts)10 Pathfinders (3 Rail Rifles, 7 Carbine+Markerlights)
6    (137pts)10 Pathfinders (3 Rail Rifles, 7 Carbine + Markerlights)
6    (100pts)10 Marker Drones
3    (48pts)    12 Kroot Hounds
3    (48pts)    12 Kroot Hounds 
= 470
6    (60pts)    10 Kroot Carnivores 
3    (40pts) 5 Fire Warriors
3    (40pts)    5 Fire Warriors
3    (40pts)    5 Fire Warriors
5    (48pts)    6 Fire Warriors
5    (48pts)    6 Fire Warriors
4    (75pts)    Aun’Va of the Undying Spirit
2    (42pts)    Cadre Fireblade (Rifle+Markerlight)
2    (42pts)    Cadre Fireblade (Rifle+Markerlight)

Tau Arctic Corps Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment
22    (437pts) StormSurge (2 Airburst Frag Launchers, Cluster Rockets, 4 Destroyer Missiles, Pulse Blast Cannon, 2 Smart Missiles, Shield Generator, Advanced Targeting Systems, Drone Controller)

Total Points: 2000
Total Power: 113
Total Models: 112
Deployment Drops:  21-24

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  • 3 weeks later...

My normal list gained about 142 points to spend.  Incredibly tough choices on how to manage them.  I need some way to knockout Predators/long Range hitters earlier butthe points are giving me mixed signals on what to spend them on.  20 fire warriors is an obvious thing but doesnt give me the punch I need or the reach.  10 stingwings would give me the readh and some punch.  Crisis team is outside the budget.  5 stealthsuits is super intriguing just for the deployment shenanigans, but not enough points for a Fusion Blaster...  still its ALSO  10 wounds of Str 5 goodness like the Stingwings, but less potent (though much more survivable, if their mission is tanky stuff then i dont think Stealth do it better then the Stingwings).  

I need to have a,presence on their side of the board, early...  flyers cant take ground.  They reinstituted Ldrone deepstrikes and you can do drones?  They went up in cost but are tough as stingwings.  Again less punch.  Again less ideal on tanks...

Kroot Riders have a decent antitank gun. Its like an auto cannon.  Comes with some melee punch but its iffy.  Still, 102 points for 6 autocannon shots doing d3 damage isnt terrible and a little melee ability in a T'au force wouldn't make me sad....  Problem is they are elites...  no elite slots left.  Ugg


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On 3/18/2018 at 7:01 PM, andy said:

Broadside with HRR and SMS, plus Target Lock comes in at 131 points. Give it a Seeker missile or drone support and you're right under your 142 ceiling. 

well that would not give me reach though.  As i mentioned i need a bit more REACH.  My army fires and often advanced when it can but getting over yonder to a particular place o nthe board is tough.  So thats why I was sort of trying to think of more mobile options.  The Broadside is clearly a good suggestion for firepower and no one can really say otherwise now that they aren't in the stratosphere of cost.  It's th reach i really need (and somewhat lack).  My Kroot Hounds are fast as hell, but they are so often just on halo duty.  I suppose one olution could be to add more of them so they have more freedom to not just halo but to get there?  Hmm...I do own a lot of them.


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