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Advice on IF list


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Hello all. I'm working on building my first army list. My wife and I are both new and going to play each other for a bit before we go out and try random opponents. We decided on 1850 points. I'm looking for any advice on loadouts and add\remove units. I'll write out my list then the pool of units I can draw from. I'm looking for an all comers type of build.


HQ (174)

sgt Garadon and 5 man squad

4 bolters, 1 missle


troops (580)

10 man tac squad (205)

7 bolters, 1 missle, 1 plasma gun, 1 sgt



10 man tac squad (205)

7 bolters, 1 missle, 1 plasma gun, 1 sgt



10 man tac squad (170)

7 bolters, 1 missle, 1 plasma gun, 1 sgt


elite (450)

5 man tac terminator squad (225)

4 storm bolters, 1 cyclone, 1 sgt


5 man tac terminator squad (225)

4 storm bolters, 1 cyclone, 1 sgt


Fast attack (145)

Storm talon gunship (145)

Assault cannon, typhoon


Heavy support (501)

Dev squad (186)

4 bolters, 4 plasma cannons, 1 sgt


Dev squad (200)

5 bolters, 4 plasma cannons, 1 sgt


Predator (115)

Auto cannon, Las cannon sponsons


That's 1850 on the dot.


List of what I have to use.


Captain Lysander

termy captain

chapter master

35 tac marines

15 assault marines

2 storm talons

10 sternguard

15 terminators

10 Dev marines

6 centurions

1 predator

1 hunter (going to use as rhino most likely)

1 rhino


I've received most of this stuff used so I'm stripping and repainting. I'm also trying to cut and mod what I can. Any advice on loadout on anything would be great. Like I said I'm new and not sure on what to do.

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One thing I will toss in, missile launchers are not worth standing around for five guys to shoot. I've had better luck with heavy bolters for troop squads, three shots twin linked at 18" is decent even on the move. I can tell you are running sentinels of terra based on hq.


On the subject of HQ independent characters are usually better, and big G is complicated. You can take his pistol and better equipment on a regular captain allowing you to take a command squad which can be awesome fire power. Our just allow the hq to run off alone as interference. Gives options.

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Lysander is soooo good.  He must needs be included, for he is awesome sauce.

Very expensive tho!


You do have terminators there to join him to... On that note I'd take one unit at full strength, you can always combat squad apart if desired. Allows kill point conservation at the loss of a single sergeant. Power fists are desired over power swords in my opinion.

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I love lysander. He's awesome. And a big reason I picked IF and then sentenals. However he is expensive. I want to run hum with a 5 man th/ss terminator squad. I just don't have the points at 1850 imo. Plus. I don't have a land raider or storm raven to transport him yet. I was also thinking about dropping Garadon and taking a librarian. That would give me some more points to a second stormtalon. Both with skyhammers. Or put those points into other units

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