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New OFCC list

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No Lords, I'm aiming for that 3 so I figured NO supper lords with strength 5/8, 5 wounds and 1+ armour save.



Thane, (general) Magnificent armour, great weapon, Funrnace, shield

Thane, BSB, Great Weapon, Gromril, 2 Iron


Runesmith, Shield, Stone, Spell Breaking

Runesmith, Shield, Stone, Spell Breating, Furnace


Master Engineer, Rune of Impact, Rune of Stone, Brace of pistols



26 Longbeards, FC, shield

27 Longbeards, FC, Great weapons




27 Hammerers, FC, 12 inch stubborn


2 Gyrocopters


Cannon, Forging, Burning



14 Iorn drakes, Slowness x2, FC, Troll hammer


Organ Gun, Penetrating


Flame Cannon, Forging


To me, this is a 3 type list. It has a little bit of everything, but does not excel at anything. It has a few tricks in it, but not all of the tricks, and hopefully my opponants will find it fun to play against.  

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Looks extremely capable. I think you are downplaying the power of the list. Yes, no lord, but dwarf thanes might as well be lords in other armies. A completely stubborn center of LBs and Hammerers is going to bust face considering the most reliable 3WM and a very strong BS shooting unit. This will give your opponent no choice but to run straight into a wall of stubborn elite infantry that will grind down most over the course of a few turns. Gyrocopters are under-costed for their capabilities and role in the army. Dont get me wrong I really like the army, I think its rock solid, its just not a "middle of the road" army at all.


I understand youre torn between a re-model on your house and being able to paint a new army, I thought the slayer army looked brilliant and would bring a fun element to the game along with NEW challenges when facing a dwarf army. 


I'd have fun playing against both lists, I just know that the above "traditional" army would be difficult for any of my OFCC armies to handle and id have to play a solid tactical game and roll some decent dice even to threaten you with a loss. 

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I would much rather have the slayer army, it was fun to play, I loved deathblow, I have all of the models.  Damn house.


Totally agree Gyro's are under costed.  


I have just not played enough of the new army book to get a solid idea of matchups yet.  I really like the irondrakes, but the only time I used them the BS 3 really took it's toll, but they were a good utility unit as they also hit decent in combat.  I know how OFCC seems to revolve around the combat phase so i tried to have a good solid core that will stand up against the hard hitting chaos warriors that I'm bound to face (got smashed by them last year).  I figured I better avoid a horde, as a horde of stubborn longbeards and hammerers would not gain me friends :) and the longbeards with great weapons die just as easily to shooting as the warriors with greatweapons, but there are less of them hopefully making them a little more manageable, however the extra pip of strength is nice once combat begins.


Thanks for the feed back.  I might still might try to find a way to make the slayers get done, I really need 8 more hours in the day, if only there was a way to give up sleep.

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 I agree with Fixxer. Sans Lord, it is still a potent list. There is a good shooting phase. First, there is the Engineer. Second, the Irondrakes create virtually a second organ gun. Third, I think you have the idea set of three war machine. The list is not uber, it just is not soft.



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Truly the shooting phase is far more important than having an Uber Lord.  Besides, that Mag Armor Thane is about impossible to kill anyway, so he can stuff your opponent's killy characters, which is all the Dwarves need with their impressive combat units.  This is a tougher list IMO than any of the 5 or 6 different builds I have faced so far.

As for being fun to play against, well, it's going to have a lot of shooting, 2 gyros, and 3 stubborn blocks of very hard infantry.  If your opponent can't somehow address your shooting without losing a lot of key combat units, it's going to be a long day trying to approach that army.  

i have no idea how it will rate, haven't been to an OFCC in years... but if you really are trying to make a middle of the road list, IMO you'd need to drop at least one war machine.

That's just my take though, don't take it too much to heart, I've been away from WFB for quite a while… I wouldn't even comment except that I've actually played quite a bit against Dwarves in particular.

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Well I'm going back to the slayer list, but I have to respectfully disagree with many of you, three war machines is almost essential to dwarfs in a game this big.  Yes our dwarfs are hard in hand to hand but we can't choose the combat nearly as well as others and we don't have ANY spell casters, so while your level 4 is killing my big blocks I have nothing  but my war machines to try and match, notice I'm still under the max of 4 and each is varied so no duplicates.  


Irondrakes are no where near being as good as an organ gun, BS 3 and an 18 inch range is kind of weak.  Yes, they are a solid unit, but they are a utility unit and an expensive one at that.  


From the other ofcc lists I have seen, I don't see how this list is tougher than any of them.  In competitive dwarf lists at 2400 points I'm usually seeing two cannons and two organ guns and an ME, a lord on shields, so to me, this is tame.  In fact I rated the list using the swiss comp, which is rated for 2400 points, and it I think it scored above an 8 if I remember correctly.  

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 I agree with Fixxer. Sans Lord, it is still a potent list. There is a good shooting phase. First, there is the Engineer. Second, the Irondrakes create virtually a second organ gun. Third, I think you have the idea set of three war machine. The list is not uber, it just is not soft.



Right, I agree it is not soft, which is part of the guideline to not build a soft list, but like you said it is not uber which is also part of the goal, so hopefully it is right in the middle.  

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