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1500 point TOW event in June!

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Ok here is the info for 'The Old World' event The Grey Mountain Guild are planning for Sunday, June 30th at Ordo!

Register 10am - 11am
First game 11am - 2pm
Lunch break 2pm -3pm
Second game 330pm -630pm
Raffle and clean up 630pm - 7pm
White Owl Social Club after party 7pm-?

1500 points will be the size of the games. All armies including legacy armies will be allowed! All models are allowed so bring your 3D printed proxy army, your AOS models on converted trays, or your official GW models, we really don't care and just want people to play and have fun! Painted armies are encouraged but not required just make sure they are properly based or you have converted movement trays. I have some trays I can loan out if people need them.

First match ups will be randomly assigned while second match ups are 'Round Robin' format with winners playing winners and losers playing losers. The goal is for everyone who participates to get 2 great games of 'The Old World' in so please come with a good attitude and let's all show good sportsmanship!

I believe 3 hours per match with a 1 hour break for lunch makes sense so the games can be played at a pretty relaxed pace and people can look up rules as they need to. A 1 hour lunch also gives people the opportunity to visit a nearby cart pod or restaurant and not be rushed. As of right now we are also planning to do an after party at White Owl Social club which is across the street from Ordo!

I think we can do 9 tables at Ordo total so my plan is to set up 6 tables that thematically work for the 6 basic 'classic' scenarios in the big rule book (battle line, meeting engagement, watchtower, etc.). Depending on turn out we can duplicate multiple styles of table as we see fit. We can roll off to see who ends up on what tables to keep it interesting! Ordo has more then enough terrain to facilitate this.

We don't want to charge anyone, this is a community building event and I plan to participate so I will be the T.O. in name only haha. I plan to do the 'team mom' thing and keep it organized but overall I'm thinking of it as less of a tournament and more an opportunity to meet more local players and help introduce newer players to the game!

We are planning to organize 2 more events this year, a 3 game tournament at 2000 points as well as a narrative event (possibly set in an exotic old world location... ) so we're looking at this like an 'introductory event for Old World enthusiasts'.

If you're interested let me know here and keep an eye on this thread. The Grey Mountain Guild also has an active Discord server if anyone would like to join just send me a private message! I will be posting more updates as I sort out more details! 

Below is a link to the event via our Discord page:


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  • sankaku_jime changed the title to 1500 point TOW event in June!



We now have 10 people registered with 8 more spots remaining so be sure to follow the link above to sign up via New Recruit if you're interested in attending! Just as a reminder the event is free to attend but in order to play you will need to register due to limited space.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fantastic event, folks, and well worth the trip down I-5 to visit y'all. Thank you for allowing me to join you for the day and for being so accommodating to someone from the other side of the Columbia. I promise not to share your secrets in the coming order wars (although, really, I think calling us "Oregon's Canada" is kind of a compliment)! 

Seriously, y'all were fantastic, kind, and great people. Thanks again for a great day! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

There was talk at the event that those of us with Discord should request invites to both the Ordo and GMG channels, as there is more chatter there. I would love to get just such an invite, if y'all are willing to let me join. To whom should the bribes be addressed? 🙂

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