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Oregon City Geeks and Games 100pt FoW Tourney

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I will be organizing a late war FoW Tournament in coordination with Oregon City Geeks and Games.


Location: Oregon City Geeks and Games

1656 Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045

When: Sunday July 28th

There will be a $15 fee for the Tournament but this will go toward prize support and the store will provide pizza. 


11:00-11:30 setup and player check-in

11:30-2:00 1st round

2:15-4:45 2nd round

5:00-7:30 3rd round

7:30-8:00 wrap up

Forces: 100 point list from current late war books

Fortress Europe, D-day British, D-day German, D-day Waffen-SS, D-day American, Bagration Soviet, Bagration German, Bagration Axis Allies, Bulge American, Bulge British, Bulge German, Berlin Soviet, Berlin German.

Wild card units / Late War Leviathans are not permitted.

Missions: We will be using pre-selected mission of the following:

Round 1 - Dust up

Round 2 - Contact

Round 3 - Free for All


Roster: we have space for a maximum of 16 players.

1. Steve A. - AJAX - German - Panzer battle group - list verified yes - 1 table of terrain

2. Robert B. - Robert - German - Formation - list verified yes - no terrain

3. Chris L. - Wolfpack 06 - US Bulge - Formation - list verified yes, 1 table of terrain

4. Derek R - Jagdoberst - German - Stug Battery, - list verified yes, 1 table of terrain

5. Rob Givens - Rob Givens - British - British Commandos - list verified yes, no terrain

6. Andrew Patterson - Andrew P - German - Tank Company - list verified yes, no terrain

7. Dan L. - Danimal - Nation - Formation - list verified yes, no terrain

8. James B. - Barca - Soviet - Engineer Sapper - list verified yes, no terrain

9. Isaac H. - Isaac - US Bulge - Tank Company - list verified yes, not terrain

10. Nelson G. - Nelson - German - Berlin Battle Group - list verified yes, 1 table of terrain.









Lists will need to be emailed to me by July 20th in order to be verified for the tournament. Souldier3@gmail.com

Please post here if you intend to attend or have questions.


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AJAX and Robert,

I have both of you added to the roster.


AJAX if you could bring 1 table that would be appreciated. The store can supply 6 tables of terrain but it would be helpful if players could pitch in. We need 2 tables or 3 at the most. If you are coming from out of town and you plan on bringing a table it will be critical to arrive exactly at 12:00 as you will need time to set it up.

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On 5/30/2024 at 8:33 PM, Souldier3 said:

I will be organizing a late war FoW Tournament in coordination with Oregon City Geeks and Games.


Location: Oregon City Geeks and Games

1656 Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045

When: Sunday July 28th

There will be a fee for the Tournament but this will go toward prize support. This is being determined by Oregon City Geeks and Games. I will follow up with more detail as it gets worked out.


12:00-12:30 setup and player check-in

12:30-3:00 1st round

3:00-5:30 2nd round

5:30-8:00 3rd round

8:00-8:30 wrap up

Forces: 100 point list from current late war books

Fortress Europe, D-day British, D-day German, D-day Waffen-SS, D-day American, Bagration Soviet, Bagration German, Bagration Axis Allies, Bulge American, Bulge British, Bulge German, Berlin Soviet, Berlin German.

Wild card units / Late War Leviathans are not permitted.

Missions: We will be using pre-selected mission of the following:

Round 1 - Dust up

Round 2 - Contact

Round 3 - Free for All


Roster: we have space for a maximum of 16 players.

1. Steve A. - AJAX - Nation - Formation - list verified - 1 table of terrain

2. Robert B. - Robert - German - Formation - list verified - terrain?

















Lists will need to be emailed to me by July 20th in order to be verified for the tournament. Souldier3@gmail.com

Please post here if you intend to attend or have questions.


Chris L. - Wolfpack 06- US Bulge - Formation, TBD - list verified, no, 1 table of terrain

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings All,

I have an update on the schedule for the tournament. Geeks and Games will open the store up at 11:00 am instead of 12:00 which is very helpful for helping us to get started sooner and give me 10-15 minutes between rounds to work through the game results and arrange the next rounds matchups. I have updated the original timeline at the beginning of this thread.

For anyone who is providing terrain and will be setting up a table, it will be possible to set your stuff up the night before if you would like to. Please let me know if you plan on doing this as I will give the store owner a heads up. The store recommends that you set up the table a little before store closing.


Lastly as a reminder there is a $15.00 and please have your lists to me by the 20th for verification.


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On 5/30/2024 at 8:33 PM, Souldier3 said:

I will be organizing a late war FoW Tournament in coordination with Oregon City Geeks and Games.


Location: Oregon City Geeks and Games

1656 Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045

When: Sunday July 28th

There will be a $15 fee for the Tournament but this will go toward prize support and the store will provide pizza. 


11:00-11:30 setup and player check-in

11:30-2:00 1st round

2:15-4:45 2nd round

5:00-7:30 3rd round

7:30-8:00 wrap up

Forces: 100 point list from current late war books

Fortress Europe, D-day British, D-day German, D-day Waffen-SS, D-day American, Bagration Soviet, Bagration German, Bagration Axis Allies, Bulge American, Bulge British, Bulge German, Berlin Soviet, Berlin German.

Wild card units / Late War Leviathans are not permitted.

Missions: We will be using pre-selected mission of the following:

Round 1 - Dust up

Round 2 - Contact

Round 3 - Free for All


Roster: we have space for a maximum of 16 players.

1. Steve A. - AJAX - German - Panzer battle group - list verified yes - 1 table of terrain

2. Robert B. - Robert - German - Formation - list verified yes - terrain?

3. Chris L. - Wolfpack 06 - US Bulge - Formation - list verified, 1 table of terrain

4. Derek R - Jagdoberst - German - Formation, - list verified, no terrain

5. Rob Givens - Rob Givens - British - British Commandos - list verified, no terrain

6. Andrew Patterson - Andrew P - German - Tank Company - list verified yes, no terrain

7. Dan L. - Danimal - Nation - Formation - list verified, no terrain

8. James B. - Barca - Nation - Formation - list verified, no terrain











Lists will need to be emailed to me by July 20th in order to be verified for the tournament. Souldier3@gmail.com

Please post here if you intend to attend or have questions.



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