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Malus Darkblade

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Actually, by pure RAW, you do both. The one is not hitting per say, but instead causing a separate effect which is an automatic hit on a friendly. Basically, if you rolled a one, you'd hit somebody else and then reroll due to ASF which may cause another one and another hit.

This is a rather confusing rule.  Technically, you get to re-roll failed attacks against opponents who don't have ASF.  However, the specific rule states that if you roll a 1 you cause an automatic hit and if you fail to wound it must be re-rolled.  If you fail to wound, are you re-rolling the to-hit roll or the wound roll?  It's not very clear in the rule itself.


On the other hand, if you roll a 1 you cause an automatic hit against a friendly model (your choice).  Due to all Dark Elves having ASF, and the hit is an automatic hit on a friendly model, you wouldn't get to re-roll your to-hit roll.  Now, again, with the wording saying that you must re-roll if you fail to wound which roll are you re-rolling the to-hit roll or the wound roll?


Most of us can gather that this is referring to the wound roll, but again, the rule is not specific.

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