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Create Your Own Creature White Dwarf

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Also....could I bring an army of these to OFCC?

Given the recent ruling by Pretre (http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/24783-gerantius-is-he-still-playable-with-the-new-codex/page-2), they should be legal for unbound armies, unless TO says no, of course.


That said, if you surprised me with these in casual play, I would probably quit. I you asked ahead of time, I would probably be fine with it.

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Given the recent ruling by Pretre (http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/24783-gerantius-is-he-still-playable-with-the-new-codex/page-2), they should be legal for unbound armies, unless TO says no, of course.


That said, if you surprised me with these in casual play, I would probably quit. I you asked ahead of time, I would probably be fine with it.

lols that I can make rulings.


And these are a bit old for that kind of thing. These are from 4 editions ago and aren't even a codex/dataslate/formation.

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And these are a bit old for that kind of thing. These are from 4 editions ago and aren't even a codex/dataslate/formation.

True, but they are unbound legal and they don't specify rules from a book that no longer exists.


And I am just poking at you, no harm intended. Just seemed very much related to that other thread.


Main issue I'm seeing when reading the rules is that they are considerably weaker than modern creatures of similar profiles, especially given that they are squads of 1 (meaning no ICs and plenty of KP). If you want to see codex creep, this is solid evidence.

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Citation needed.


I'd have to go back, but I don't think this was my complete reasoning.

You should go back and re-read.


As for Citation, if the outdated WD entries are still legal, assuming rules still make sense, as you argued in the other thread, then they should qualify as "whichever units from your collection you want." That is the requirement for Unbound armies on page 117. Not exactly strict limitations in unbound armies.

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Anyway, I personally think that the outdated WD entries are outdated and not viable for play without a special exception made by the TO (or the opponent in casual play).


I'm not really sure why this is an unreasonable approach, as it's the same approach that's been being used for quite some time.

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You should go back and re-read.

I'll try to go find it.


As for Citation, if the outdated WD entries are still legal, assuming rules still make sense, as you argued in the other thread, then they should qualify as "whichever units from your collection you want." That is the requirement for Unbound armies on page 117. Not exactly strict limitations in unbound armies. 



That's Circular. It's only Unbound Legal if the outdated WD entry is still legal? Also, nothing in that PDF is a unit. It is a set of rules for making units, which Unbound is silent about. 

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Anyway, I personally think that the outdated WD entries are outdated and not viable for play without a special exception made by the TO (or the opponent in casual play).


I'm not really sure why this is an unreasonable approach, as it's the same approach that's been being used for quite some time.

What makes an entry outdated? Gerantius and Adamantine Lance are both legal dataslates/formations that direct you to a published codex. Their rules still work and there doesn't appear to be any issues.


This creature creator uses rules from four editions ago and does not appear  to be compatible without a lot of changes.

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You should go back and re-read.


It is a case by case thing. Iyanden clearly was invalidated. Gerantius and adamantine lance were not.


This is much the same thing that happens with FW rules whenever a new book comes out.


Hmm. It looks like I said nothing even close to what you said 


"and they don't specify rules from a book that no longer exists."

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That's Circular. It's only Unbound Legal if the outdated WD entry is still legal? Also, nothing in that PDF is a unit. It is a set of rules for making units, which Unbound is silent about. 


Not circular, but close. I don't think outdated WD entries are legal at all. If they are legal, then going by the logic presented in that other thread, these should be unbound legal.


As for the PDF, it is a set of rules for unconventional creatures and flora. Y Unbound doesn't care where the units come from, just that they are in your collection.


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Not circular, but close. I don't think outdated WD entries are legal at all. If they are legal, then going by the logic presented in that other thread, these should be unbound legal.


As for the PDF, it is a set of rules for unconventional creatures and flora. Y Unbound doesn't care where the units come from, just that they are in your collection.


Your'e the one adding Outdated as a descriptor where it doesn't apply. Gerantius and such aren't outdated. They are current dataslates referring to active codexes and active rulesets. Iyanden is a supplement book referring to an outdated codex. The creature creator is a WD article referring to an outdated ruleset. See the difference? 

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Your'e the one adding Outdated as a descriptor where it doesn't apply. Gerantius and such aren't outdated. They are current dataslates referring to active codexes and active rulesets. Iyanden is a supplement book referring to an outdated codex. The creature creator is a WD article referring to an outdated ruleset. See the difference? 

So, where in the Creature Creator does it refer to an outdated ruleset?

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So, where in the Creature Creator does it refer to an outdated ruleset?

Creature moves as if equipped with a jump pack 4

Fleet of Foot

Old version of Hit and Run

No Pain gives Inv Save instead of FNP

etc, so on. 


It is chock full of references to 3rd edition versions of rules.

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Citation needed.

I've already done it. It's page 117. The only requirement for an unbound army is that they are units within your collection. If you model a creature using these rules, then it is in your collection.

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