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duplicate formations for the sm in the itc?


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I better be allowed multiple formations then too. I can think of a couple that would be really cool to have multiple of

It will be a specific exception because it is a new formation created from two formations. If you have two formations that create a new formation, I imagine that will be allowed as well.

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I agree, it is stronger than Skyhammer.  And I agree that this was totally the wrong call, and an affront to their alleged insistence on voting on things before.  This was straight up marine favoritism and cannot be justified by any logical and consistent reading of the ITC rules.

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I walked away from LVO vowing to never again play a competitive game without at least two ObSec units.  I cannot imagine a whole army of them.  ObSec may not make a difference to the top 5% of the players, but it makes all the difference between mid-level players where one person has it, and the other doesn't.  

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I don't think it was very fair to allow that duplicate formation. I hope that Reece changes his mind or at least allows other armies to do the same thing. I don't think it's cool to just let a army that gets freetransports because of duplicating a whole formation is just bull. I agree that the itc has stated that it votes for everything as they did about the whole ranged d weapons and they also voted against duplicate formations because that'd get kinda crazy but hey guess alot of people won't be down for the itc rules if they just favor one army because it's 1 formation is stupid op and eldar were soooooooooooooooooo op and then this..... man not sure how I feel about this

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Sorry, I'm in smug mode right now...


This is why I hate it when TOs start dicking around with structural components of the game.


I appreciate that the game is evolving in such a way as to not help competitive play, but when you start restricting/allowing certain formations etc. without considering the consequences you should expect to get flak.


Whilst I'll always be a "comp-whore" even I have to recognize that the times are a changing; I think the way OFCC has gone about it is the best solution for now.


Unless someone can come up with a Swedish Comp system for 40k. One that does not start WW3....

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Sorry, I'm in smug mode right now...


This is why I hate it when TOs start dicking around with structural components of the game.


I appreciate that the game is evolving in such a way as to not help competitive play, but when you start restricting/allowing certain formations etc. without considering the consequences you should expect to get flak.

I really agree with this.

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This is why I hate it when TOs start dicking around with structural components of the game.



Unless someone can come up with a Swedish Comp system for 40k. One that does not start WW3....


How is Swedish Comp different/better than ITC bans/erratas?  They are aiming at the same goals...  Just curious.

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It is not better, but it may be a way, and I say MAY, to rate/rank teams in a formal manner without limiting player's choices in what seems to increasingly be an arbitrary manner.


No system is perfect, but I hope we can find a less imperfect system.

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