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8th Editions FAQs

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I don't think they will be mimicking the style or the troop types that are in the current line.


I think they will go a completely different way judging by what is in the basic set.


It looks like, feels like, they want to replace it all.


Do I want an Oruuk on a sabre tooth cat wyrm next to m traditional boarboyz that now count as catdog riders?


Probably not the battlefield athestic I was going for when I was envisioning my army...but yea, I can still use my square bases right next to my new round ones.


I have models in my army dating back to the days when pewter was a new thing...my gut tells me an Oruuk isn't going to fit well, look and feel wise in an O&G army, just as the boxed set doesn't look like it would fit in an Empire army or a Mortal army because they look like they belong in 40k. Snip a weapon or a shield off, place a bolter in hand and waalaa fits into 40k.

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Also, JMGraham posted it here before dakka saw it and I cross posted it.

Missed it. But you think he's off?


Indytims getting new models is good but here they are not just releasing new stuff they are totally redesigning everything. They purposely want to make everything Completely different. The Sigmarines look absolutely different then the Empire in look and function. That Thing the leader is riding is Not a Griffin but hey there you have it a large nonflying monster that is nothing like the old models.


It's hard to explain if you are not getting that they are Not Empire models and there will not be an Empire army. The new Orcs will be nothing like the old ones so they will purposely make using your old models very very awkward and difficult.


In other words they are Trying to force us to buy All New Models.

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When's the last time a customer-facing employee from GW 1) Spoke candidly about GW's direction/plans/product 2) Actually knew what the crap they were talking about?


I'll give you a hint: It wasn't anytime recently.

According to the post there was a New representative for GW out at the reveal of the new Statute at GW HQ and he is supposed to be going to a lot of events to answer questions about their new line. And I agree this is unheard of from GW.
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According to the post there was a New representative for GW out at the reveal of the new Statute at GW HQ and he is supposed to be going to a lot of events to answer questions about their new line. And I agree this is unheard of from GW.

That's incorrect. "GW had a guy camped out at the Forge World open day "


I will believe it when we get any sort of independent verification.

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I got bad news for you NtK. I want it not to be true as much as you do... but I fear that GW has, through it's actions (and lack of bothering to actually communicate) pretty much replaced WFB with AoS.


Hang on, that IS what I was saying... I was saying that AoS *replaces* WFB, rather than being "the next edition" of WFB... how did I mis-communicate?  :unsure:

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I don't think they will be mimicking the style or the troop types that are in the current line.


I think they will go a completely different way judging by what is in the basic set.


It looks like, feels like, they want to replace it all.


Do I want an Oruuk on a sabre tooth cat wyrm next to m traditional boarboyz that now count as catdog riders?


Probably not the battlefield athestic I was going for when I was envisioning my army...but yea, I can still use my square bases right next to my new round ones.


I have models in my army dating back to the days when pewter was a new thing...my gut tells me an Oruuk isn't going to fit well, look and feel wise in an O&G army, just as the boxed set doesn't look like it would fit in an Empire army or a Mortal army because they look like they belong in 40k. Snip a weapon or a shield off, place a bolter in hand and waalaa fits into 40k.

So what? This has been true of the last 30 years and will be true of the next 30. New minis often don't fit in with the aesthetic of the prior. In my armies, I have minis that look practically ridiculous next to each other, but they are all part of the same line from GW. AoS hasn't changed that.

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So what? This has been true of the last 30 years and will be true of the next 30. New minis often don't fit in with the aesthetic of the prior. In my armies, I have minis that look practically ridiculous next to each other, but they are all part of the same line from GW. AoS hasn't changed that.


So much cold logic and so little appreciation for "catdog" which is genius.

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Let him be humorless about it if he wants to be.


My point pretre is that the old models continue to work in my current army and when they don't they get slowly replaced, although I have to say that they do not get replaced very often in 20 years of renewed model styles.  In 40k that is different.


In this case I have the reverse problem.  I don't think the new ones fit the bill of integrating into my existing armies.  


I have Mortal Chaos warbands, 2 of them, one Maurader heavy and one Warrior heavy.  These Chaos minis in the basic AoS set don't fit at all with my 4500pts of Mortal Chaos and I have a sneaking suspicion the Oruuks won't look like Orcs and the Grots won't look like Goblins.  Then I have to consider my Daemons, and Dwarves (I mean Duardin).


You say so what AND I can use my current models AND it doesn't matter what my aesthetic preferences are AND you are right.


GW is saying the same thing.  Which is a bit of an f-you to a large segment of their players like me. 


So yeah, bkieft...so what?  The game you liked a lot is no more, bye.  


Okay, thanks.  Bit of a weeny move there but whatever.  


Normally during a break up I like my partner to just come out and say I don't love you anymore and walk out instead of playing around and saying that everything is the same and it will be great again someday.  :tongue:


And just to put a fine point on it...catdogs.  




Just sayin.

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Please, sir, give me another...


Never had a problem with the slight shifts in style over the years...this just doesn't seem to be one of those 'small shifts'.


The old world is dead, remember...now we can do anything we want like making Hordes style models!  <- See AoS boxed set


I think the shift will be larger than you expect.  


You can beat me over the head with these words when the Oruuks and Grots come out and blend seamlessly with my existing forces.  


May the odds be ever in your favor.

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