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Focus on 8th edition

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With OFCC around the corner I started refocusing on 8th edition so that I am not trying to think outside the confounds of the 'old' rule set as I head into next weekend


Tripping through the book I thought to myself that 8th isn't complex at all and that I could probably summarize all of the basic rules in 4 pages and move all the specialized skills to unit descriptions and call it a new game.


This solidified to me that AoS really is not less complex but trending toward something that always pissed me off around other versions of WFB and 40k where they would move all of the unit rules to the unit descriptions instead of having at least the repetitive/common ones collected in one place.  Taking my fleet of foot and impact hits and replicate the verbiage into my "list"/unit rules.


Looking at the 40ish pages of army rules to sift through while playing is a bit more taxing than the reverse of a larger basic rulebook with common rule implementation.  I found it irritating flipping through the scrolls to see what each of my special rules did or could affect during each phase.


Familiarity with the whole would improve over time, but as one of those guys who changes it up all of the time the synergies that people will end up playing in more static lists will grate on me as I continue to just throw down what I want to play, and the dreaded "web lists" will become the norm for AoS which at first I thought AoS might be trying to break...now I think it reinforces it.


Figured I would throw down my thought with my realization of how 'not complicated' 8th is and see what you all think.

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I am effectively ignoring AoS until after OFCC. I and genuinely interested in learning to play the system. The only real problem I have is with the storm cast models. Their armor has no fasteners, buckled or apparent openings, and all the joints appear to have rubberized looking insides as opposed to cloth or chain mail joints. They just feel like they started with a basic space Marine and made a few changes to the miniature and tossed it out without thinking about it.


That and a $28 can of freaking gold spray paint. Some people's kids.


It looks like I will get to keep my overs, although with a different name. Hoping the new name comes with new models. If we're going to single models on round bases, I want more dynamic poses. I will probably buy the standalone rulebook and will be looking forward to new models in the future.


Until then- You will fear my Ogre horde!

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I agree that much of 8th could be stuffed into a way smaller book (4 pages may be tight, but way way smaller it could be).  I actually like the rules for each unit all together on the card. I really disliked the previous Army book setup where you had the bestiary with the rules, then a separate spot with points and army build rules... constant flipping back and forth got pretty old.


Rule keywords and a rules list section is decent, but you still end up flipping through books to find various rules. With the War scrolls, if you have a unit, then the rules for it are right there in front of you.


I do hope they standardize the size of them though.

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I am with you on the minis...not impressed, and the prices (if they are meant to be an entry cost) are f-ing ridiculous.

assuming you buy your paint elsewhere, and this is a skirmish level game it's actually not bad pricewise. The new models are working out to be about $10 apiece (The preorder storm cast stuff is five models for $50) which is pretty good for models that size in a skirmish game. And the chaos stuff that was in the box looks pretty good minus the big thing in my opinion.

I remain hopeful as I crunch the bones of my enemies.

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Lol I calculated my cost of new armies for WFB at $2.50 per figure for my newest army.


I don't understand the skirmish price point they are setting


I think you are all insane to buy into a game this expensive. There are better skirmish games for cheaper than 10/figure that are metal.

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Lol I calculated my cost of new armies for WFB at $2.50 per figure for my newest army.


I don't understand the skirmish price point they are setting


I think you are all insane to buy into a game this expensive. There are better skirmish games for cheaper than 10/figure that are metal.


That definitely is a consideration if you like the Celestial Whatzzits, or the 'new' Chaos.


If you've got a WHFB army already - the cost to get into this game is 0$. If you're talking from a newcomer's point of view, you can easily pick up a force for far less than $10 a fig... unless you have your heart-set on the golden-marines.


If you have your heart set on the Sigmarites... then it does start to look pretty ridiculous right off the bat. :/

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Lol I calculated my cost of new armies for WFB at $2.50 per figure for my newest army.


I don't understand the skirmish price point they are setting


I think you are all insane to buy into a game this expensive. There are better skirmish games for cheaper than 10/figure that are metal.

Don't have to buy s thing so far. I have Ogres, and Tzeentch WoC. I'm ready to roll ????
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