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ITC, WarMachine, and Narrative Gaming


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The end is the beginning is the end.


Inat died because Jon didn't want to do it for 6th but you totally know him!! Would you like his phone number he is a friend of mine


"Less professional" than INAT? Ahahahahaha no.


INAT died a dog's death because it was a grossly-overreaching document full of personal bias. Every complaint you have against the ITC FAQ was twice as bad in INAT.


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Inat died because Jon didn't want to do it for 6th but you totally know him!! Would you like his phone number he is a friend of mine



The reason he stopped doing it is not the same as the reason it died. He could be putting out INAT FAQs even to this very day, but if no one uses them then it's a dead system- and that's essentially what happened. INAT had a short moment in the stoplight with a few tournaments and was largely ignored or disliked by the rest of the community because it made changes for changes' sake.


I've met several of the guys who worked on INAT; they're not bad people, but that doesn't make INAT itself a good product. You seem to be under the assumption that like (or dislike) of something is commutative with like or dislike of its creators, which doesn't need to be true. Good people can produce bad results even with good intentions.



I had already mad millionaire and father of two children lower bars are ok


Oh gosh, I hadn't realized you were rich and a father. I guess we should hold you to a totally different standard than everyone else.

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Aventine I could just bash other people's goals like you but I believe that is against the code of conduct.

He was mocking Ard Boyz as not being a lofty goal (assumedly for its lack of sportsmanship and painting component).  I think winning it was as big a deal as winning any big tournament, honestly but i think this got a little toxic?  First you're attacking my tournaments, now telling us how rich and fatherly you are and I'm thinking to myself:  How did Flugers thread get so jacked?!  




Hey I totally get what you were trying to say.  You've accomplished some stuff, and you don't have anything to prove to anyone.  I respect the hell outta that statement.  I think it was just the delivery that hurts muh feelings.

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The end is the beginning is the end.




"Less professional" than INAT? Ahahahahaha no.


INAT died a dog's death because it was a grossly-overreaching document full of personal bias. Every complaint you have against the ITC FAQ was twice as bad in INAT.


The INAT and ITC had almost the same group of people working on it and used the same vote mechanism to decide its rulings, so I am not sure your point is valid.  Hell at least INAT polled dakka dakka for 'how i play it' on ambiguous rules.  ITC only lets us vote on house rules for the most part.  I think instead AB your personal bias is showing here, due to your time in the blue shark tank and 3++ during 5ed.  INAT was not perfect but it also never deserved the vitriol it got (IMO).  In many ways ITC FAQ is a continuation of the INAT - complete with all the haters.


I also tend to agree that the ITC faq is less professional as it is just a list of rules in a text document.  It's not even a real FAQ as it lacks the Q part, it just has a ton of A's without context.  INAT was a full fledged, clickable indexed PDF with pictures and actual Q and A.  So yes, despite opinions on the rulings it was a more professional document.


That isn't a knock on the ITC document though.  The INAT was made for 1 event -- Adepticon during the era of snail pace releases.  ITC FAQ does what it needs to do and while I'd love a more polished document I know the amount of work that entails is just not possible at the current pace with just Frankie and Reece working on it.

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Pax likes to think of ITC as the bastard child of people who loved 'Ard Boyz.

I would not have worded it as such. Possibly because it leaves me wondering who the mother is...

What does ITC do that makes the game more like 5th?? It does not buff IG, GK, SW, BA, or transports, nor does it simplify missions. Do you remember 5th? Have you played ITC? Just seems like a really, really weird comparison to me...

Your thinking of rules. 5th wasn't just rules - it was a time period for 40k players. ITC seems to be trying to resurrect that time period within 7th. And, to be fair, 5th was very popular with tournaments.


As for points of dislike with the ITC, I suppose the following are them, in order least important to most.


So I dislike the grammatical aspect of the ITC FAQ because it isn't an FAQ, but an errata.


I also, unrelated, dislike the type of mentality that ITC (and many tournaments) seem to promote.


And I really dislike, unrelated again, how the ITC tournament rules seem to be bleeding into the more casual events.


As for being 5th reborn, I don't really care, except that the number of non-ITC events is almost non-existent. Monopolies are bad for any market. An FAQ for 7th would be nice compedition for ITC's 5th reborn.

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5th was very popular with tournaments.


I also, unrelated, dislike the type of mentality that ITC (and many tournaments) seem to promote.


As for being 5th reborn, I don't really care, except that the number of non-ITC events is almost non-existent. Monopolies are bad for any market. An FAQ for 7th would be nice compedition for ITC's 5th reborn.

- 5th was not the only time period where tournaments were popular. 3rd was also very tournament heavy (at least where I was at the time). 

- What mentality is ITC promoting?

- There are plenty of non-ITC events. Ask Hanaur.

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- 5th was not the only time period where tournaments were popular. 3rd was also very tournament heavy (at least where I was at the time). 

- What mentality is ITC promoting?

- There are plenty of non-ITC events. Ask Hanaur.

I didn't really play in 3rd, so no clue how that relates.


Describing mentalities is difficult at best. Look for a pattern that players who enjoy the ITC Vs players that don't enjoy the ITC. It's there, but very difficult to describe and even harder to describe without insulting people (somehow, talking about personalities is always insulting, regardless of intentions. I think people don't like being described objectively.).



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I didn't really play in 3rd, so no clue how that relates.


Describing mentalities is difficult at best. Look for a pattern that players who enjoy the ITC Vs players that don't enjoy the ITC. It's there, but very difficult to describe and even harder to describe without insulting people (somehow, talking about personalities is always insulting, regardless of intentions. I think people don't like being described objectively.).



It relates because you are making it sound like 7th and 5th were the only times tournaments were popular. It wasn't.


You are generalizing based on a small sample set. There are competitive players who don't like ITC just as their are casuals that do. You just happen to see some competitive players locally who like it and ignore everything else.


Lord Hanaur. One of the guys posting in this thread who runs a butt-ton of tournaments that are not ITC.

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It relates because you are making it sound like 7th and 5th were the only times tournaments were popular. It wasn't.


You are generalizing based on a small sample set. There are competitive players who don't like ITC just as their are casuals that do. You just happen to see some competitive players locally who like it and ignore everything else.


Lord Hanaur. One of the guys posting in this thread who runs a butt-ton of tournaments that are not ITC.

I had mentioned popularity as a side note because I think the ITC is good for tournaments, as mentioned by others. Not liking ITC and thinking ITC is helpful for tournaments I don't play in, are really two different points, in my mind.


Competitive players are not the mentality I'm talking about. Do what I said, look for the pattern. It's there. And it's much more complex than just "competitive" players. If you really can't see it, you may need to distance yourself a bit to have the perspective.


I was asking Hanaur....like you said to do ;) .

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Competitive players are not the mentality I'm talking about. Do what I said, look for the pattern. It's there. And it's much more complex than just "competitive" players. If you really can't see it, you may need to distance yourself a bit to have the perspective.


Assume I'm blind. How about you tell me?

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It relates because you are making it sound like 7th and 5th were the only times tournaments were popular. It wasn't.


You are generalizing based on a small sample set. There are competitive players who don't like ITC just as their are casuals that do. You just happen to see some competitive players locally who like it and ignore everything else.


Lord Hanaur. One of the guys posting in this thread who runs a butt-ton of tournaments that are not ITC.

To be fair, I also run ITC ones.  =)   http://www.40kunorthodoxy.blogspot.com/2015/08/first-ever-tournament-at-terracrux-games.html


I also play in ITC ones, though I dont think I have ever actually had any of my scores entered, now that i think about it...  Or maybe they have and i just dont know it.  In any event, I have said before in other places that ITC isn't enough to make me not play in a tournament.  Just because I don't like the FAQ doesn't mean I avoid those events like the plague.  I'm not out to "make a statement" with my absence or whatever.  In fact I have played in a large number of tournaments with all manner of house rules.  It rarely affects my lists ANYWAYS.  I mean whether they allow X or Y or Z, I'm basically NEVER on the wrong side of it so who cares?  I'm there to have me a good time and see how far my latest concoction will get me.


I think its okay to have an opinion about it, as this is a forum and since the whole thread is kind of about ITC, what better place?  =)

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