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Elven Ambassadoral Tounament Tyranid List 2000


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Thanks to a few comments here, play testing. I have decided to go with the List below.

The tournament and Mission are found here. www.40kambassadors.com/missions.php



Play testing the mission have shown that you need to play attention to the mission or you can lose easy.


The list should give me all the Fire Power I will need. As well as giving me options for deployment.
I had list with the Tox and Haus. in it and it did well. But They didn't help in two games, really that a dakka fex couldn't do. I dislike mawloc's but having one that can go after death stars or odd objectives will be help full.

So please take a comment and give me your thoughts on the list. I have already turned the list in so no changes can be made, Innless I messed up the formatting and they have me redo it. So please give comments.


You to west Rider as I know you will be in the tournament and have likely turned in your list as well. Would love to know what you are bringing for DK. Just hope we get to meat on the top table again.



+++ Elven Ambassador Tournament (2000pts) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1545pts) ++

Tyrannocyte (75pts) 5x Deathspitters

Tyrannocyte (75pts) 5x Deathspitters

Tyrannocyte (75pts) 5x Deathspitters

+ HQ (460pts) +

Hive Tyrant (230pts) [Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings]

Hive Tyrant (230pts) [Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings]


+ Elites (95pts) +

Lictor Brood (50pts) [Lictor]

Venomthrope Brood (45pts) [Venomthrope]

+ Troops (30pts) +

Mucolid Spore Cluster (15pts) [Mucolid Spore]

Mucolid Spore Cluster (15pts) [Mucolid Spore]


+ Fast Attack (285pts) +

Spore Mine Cluster (25pts) [5x Spore Mine]

Tyranid Shrike Brood (260pts)
Tyranid Shrike [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Flesh Hooks, Lashwhip & Boneswords, Toxin Sacs]
Tyranid Shrike [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Flesh Hooks, Lashwhip & Boneswords, Toxin Sacs]
Tyranid Shrike [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Flesh Hooks, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs]
Tyranid Shrike [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Flesh Hooks, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs]
Tyranid Shrike [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Flesh Hooks, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs]

+ Heavy Support (450pts) +

Carnifex Brood (150pts) Carnifex [Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms]

Carnifex Brood (150pts) Carnifex [Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms]

Carnifex Brood (150pts) Carnifex [Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms]

+ Fortification (70pts) +

Aegis Defense Line (70pts) [Comms Relay

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) ( Allied Detachment) (385pts) ++

+ HQ (230pts) +

Hive Tyrant (230pts) [Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings]

+ Troops (15pts) +

Mucolid Spore Cluster (15pts) [Mucolid Spore]

+ Heavy Support (140pts) +

Mawloc (140pts)

Read more: http://thetyranidhive.proboards.com/thread/50198/elven-ambassadoral-tournament-2000-list#ixzz3mJVTQn3F

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Out of curiosity, are you Bracket I or Bracket II, talon?


I don't really like the Shrikes, I find they just die too easily to a lot of things. Even just basic Boltguns will chew them up pretty badly and for 260pts, they are a rather lackluster assault unit- anything with 2+ armor will cause them severe problems, as will most "horde"-type assault units (Ork Boyz, etc), walkers of all kinds, and units with a S8+ weapon that strikes at initiative (or anything with Force active.) They do alright killing MEQs (so long as you keep those Swords alive), but they don't feel like they really serve a strong role in the army. Adrenal Glands are also typically better than Toxin Sacs these days, since they give Fleet and mean you wound on 3s on the charge against most units (whereas Toxin only lets you reroll against T3 or less, though it will help against enemy MCs if you encounter those.)

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Out of curiosity, are you Bracket I or Bracket II, talon?


I don't really like the Shrikes, I find they just die too easily to a lot of things. Even just basic Boltguns will chew them up pretty badly and for 260pts, they are a rather lackluster assault unit- anything with 2+ armor will cause them severe problems, as will most "horde"-type assault units (Ork Boyz, etc), walkers of all kinds, and units with a S8+ weapon that strikes at initiative (or anything with Force active.) They do alright killing MEQs (so long as you keep those Swords alive), but they don't feel like they really serve a strong role in the army. Adrenal Glands are also typically better than Toxin Sacs these days, since they give Fleet and mean you wound on 3s on the charge against most units (whereas Toxin only lets you reroll against T3 or less, though it will help against enemy MCs if you encounter those.)

I am in bracket 1 but depending on how everyone is doing after that long day I may be up to playing another game. Will have to see. I have seen you at TSHT and at the Guardian Cup but never had the chance to play you yet.


Well Compared to last year when I ran 5 fully kitted Raveners at 270 (45 points each) the shrikes are a steal 260. The toxin sac's are to give me a slime chance at killing / seriously hurting a Wraith Knight with Boneswords. Wounding a 6's for poison and going before it can swing give me  6 to 8 possible ID attacks that are ap3. So innless it has a invl. it is getting hurt. The rest of the unit rends. The odds aren't great but it is better then nothing. Not the greatest threat but one that may make someone not just charge in.


Adrenal glands are for fleet but they also give me rerolls vs T4 when I charge. On the Tyranid Hive Forum it been talked about a lot and most people agree if you are going to run shrikes you run them fully kitted with Bio-morphs for the best result. Weapon load out vary a lot depending on who you talk to. I like guns on mine. But a lot of people run them pure CC for the extra attack. making them a assassin units.


The are a very flexible unit for deployment. Vs hoard the mop up unit that the tyrants and the fex have trimmed down with shooting. They are a good counter to  Drop grave unit that don't have IC. with a 2+ cover-save and wounding on 5s with 15 wounds the are pretty survivable. As for str 8 shooting I have not been seeing much of it. When I do the are going for the Fex and Tyrants more often then not.

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If I was angling for a survivable FA choice in Tyranids, the Harpy would be an easy pick. It's half the price of the Shrikes and can stay in the air all game long while firing away. Its stats leave something to be desired, but if you're Jinking it's actually pretty close to the Flyrant in terms of survivability.


The fundamental issue I have with Shrikes is the same one I have with Khorne Berzerkers- they are combat troops that lose a fight to most other combat troops and also lack the survivability to effectively close with a shooting army, but still cost on par with "better" combat units. Comparing Shrikes to, say, Black Knights or Canoptek Wraiths or Thunderwolves or the like, they will usually get their teeth kicked in pretty badly. Being able to kill Tactical Marines and Fire Warriors in a fight doesn't really count as much of a job, because any combat unit can do that just fine; those units suck in combat.

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