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Episode V... "The Empire..." oh wait.  40k.


I really enjoyed this podcast (hey, no more calling it a radio show or whatever, thanks folks for the hint.  NOW GET OFF MY LAWN OR I'LL GET THE HOSE!), but then again the podcast focused on something that I know more about:  40k. 


The banter between everyone has always come easily (or sounds like it has) and again, not to beat the dead horse beyond all recognition, but it's easy to visualize being there and just listening to you guys talk shop.  Mr. Williams has his views on the hobby and it was nice to hear an "insider's view," so to speak.  I found myself commenting aloud about things y'all were talking about and it appears that my prior comments were premature, because you had an intro and talked about some of the background and such in case any listeners were novices.


Loves me some 40k, that's for sure.  Such a rich universe... would've loved to have been in on this conversation for sure.  And thus, how much more engaging can a podcast be if you have a listener commenting along with you guys?  Well done!

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Did you know we have a comic book publisher in town?  And that they're publishing the Evil Dead 2 board game?  Well we interviewed them about it, and also talked extensively about horror movies, books, tv shows, games and whatnot with some vagrant we picked up from the bus station... oh, no it was Jim.  It was Jim, not a vagrant.  Easy mistake to make.


But I just posted the episode over at skillandbonesradio.com!

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Episode 6... Godzilla


Just finished episode six and again I applaud you guys!  I used to watch all the Gozilla movies that were shown on the USA network's cheesy-@$$ weekend movie runs and had quite a few laughs at the trip down memory lane.  Other than that, I didn't expect much because this was a topic that for me was not something that was very interesting.


However, once again your podcast was more than just ambling about and making some comments here and there.  Kacy's extensive knowledge about the history and details was impressive, and the banter between the assembled folks was both light-hearted as well as illuminating.  I tell you, you folks know a metric ton about all things like this... quite impressive.  You guys were talking about pokemon (by their names and descriptions!), Japanese movies, comic book history, gaming stuff... good lord y'all are well-versed in this stuff!


This podcast kept my attention and my boy even exited his room (no small feat there, fellas... I mean that) to ask what the hell was up with the Godzilla noises.  I let him listen to the game show and the banter and the noises and he laughed when he heard, in his words, "whenever the poor bastard that got the baby Godzilla sound effect" chimed in.  That was an added bonus for me, seeing him smile and make a comment so thank you!


Your breadth of knowledge is great, you guys keep the show moving along as if you're just old chums chatting it up in a gaming store or after a movie or on a stroll... really good synergy among the group.  The music selections are getting to me, as I find myself youtubing them as well... (my buddies like the western version of GoT).  I give you all high praise for taking a topic that for me was not going to be all that interesting and illuminating me on some of the finer points... in my mind the proof of a quality program.  You got my attention and kept it... really great stuff.


Stay safe,



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  • 2 weeks later...

After a long delay, and listening to episode 7 in two parts, I am going to comment again on your guys' fine podcast!


Cyberpunk, Deus EX, etc. is the topic and isn't really an area of focus for me, although I played a Deus Ex game.  So, while listening I had to keep up and try and catch things.  You guys are intimately familiar with the topics; and at this point, JC are there any topics you're NOT well-versed on?  But from an "outsider" listening to y'all chat, I felt at ease and not at all lost.  Or at least, not painfully aware of my lack of knowledge.  But because you guys can comment on the topic and have experience with the topic, it kinda gets you charged up, ya know?


I don't play Infinity nor do I want to... or DO I?  Because after listening to you guys it makes me look things up on the web or think about stuff, etc.  So if I weren't such a gamer slacker I could honestly say that your guys' dialog could easily motivate folks to get into the game.  Or topic, or whatever you're talking about.  Which I think reflects well... you capture interest and get folks to look at the topic from their perspective, but with your "helpful guidance" because you have the experience. 


Hope this makes sense, I fear that I'm rambling. 


For some reason (and it could be my hearing, which is irreparably damaged) everyone's voices seemed to quiet down in mid-sentence a lot of the time.  Don't know if it's positioning near a microphone, etc. but wanted to say something in case it's not just me.


I really enjoy the podcasts and kinda makes me feel like I'm "active" in the local gaming group.  Which I understand that I'm not but I'm trying!


Looking forward to the Halloween one.  Definitely NOT a horror fan so interested to see wssup.


Thanks and stay safe,



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Episode 8... the Halloween Horror Special


Right off the bat, I must state that I am *NOT* a fan of horror / slasher / etc. kind of stuff.  I don't like the occult, I don't like seeing people suffer in that way, I'm just not a fan.  But that's just me.  I don't think I've watched any movie like that all the way through, much less for more than a few minutes.  This includes the classics:  Exorcist; the Thing; the Shining; Evil Dead; all of that.  I watched Alien all the way through basically because it had a sci-fi link.  My reasoning:  when I was a kid I didn't like the unknown, the lack of control, the seeming impossibility of any kind of safe feeling from the inevitable slide into death that envelops us all.  /shudder   As I aged, it was just something that didn't appeal to me.  Sure, there's conflict in the world... I get that.  Sure, there's friction.  But man, we can just be absolute animals to each other and I don't need the reminder.  Fast forward to now, after the job/life/PTSD/all that jazz... no thank you.


Soooooo... I was expecting to kinda just yell out "I'm out!" the first time I heard a Jason Voorhees sound bite.


Happily, as with SO much of what you guys have done, I listened all the way through and really enjoyed it.  Why?  Because the podcast (for me) was about the CONTEXT.  And that meant all the difference.  Sure, you talked about all of the stuff I'm not a fan of... but you explained why you enjoy it, or are intrigued by it, or what you found fascinating about it.  Which gave me, the listener, insight.  Which gave me, the listener, a perspective that I wouldn't realize on my own because straight up I'm not watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre, thank you very much!


I really enjoyed the discussion on your delineation between (my words) horror and terror.  I enjoyed Mr. Graham getting (I believe his words) "all professorial;" a lot of the training I've gone through has to do with physiological responses that the body goes through (especially the HPA axis) in preparation for motor skills, etc. so it was nice that his thoughts/understanding/education backs up what I've learned as well.  Fascinating things, our brains.


You folks talking had me, as is the norm, following along and really paying attention.  So kudos and a warm round of applause.  Also, as a fan of the show:  you all seem so intelligent and well-versed on things!  I find myself going "man, I'm glad I'm just listening 'cause I bet I'd sound like some knuckle-dragging dipsh*t if asked to comment." 


When the game designers/developers started talking, I had less interest because of the fact that I seriously doubt I'll play the game.  However, both were very enthusiastic and obviously are strong fans of their game's milieu.  So that made me relate to how dorktastic I get any time someone at work asks me to talk about comic stuff or 40k or Pathfinder or whatever.  Or when the "gun folks" want me to talk about firearms/etc.  Or when the tactics folks want me to talk about tactics.  I think there's an enthusiasm we all have for things we're way into... which your podcast highlights in spades.  Was really cool.


Thanks for giving me a great perspective on something that I've done my best to avoid and for enlightening me on a dark corner of the universe.  I'll let you guys take point on further explorations, just know that I've got the smartgun at the ready and can provide suppressing fire on the evac out!  :)


Stay safe,



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Once again Don, I/we appreciate the feedback. I'm not a huge horror fan myself so I was a little worried at the outset about how much I'd have to contribute.


I kind of gave up on the horror genre after high school when I no longer had an older brother ready with a bag of insults if I didn't want to watch a scary movie. I got comfortable enough on my own skin that I no longer felt I had to prove anything. I don't like being scared, or the self-imposed vulnerability required to experience horror properly.


The last time I tried it was with the TV show American Horror Story. Sometimes, when my girlfriend and I have particularly rough "the world sucks" type of days, we like to build a blanket fort and watch movies. When the going gets tough, retreat into hiding I say. I suggested giving the show a try and she was very hesitant, concerned she'd have nightmares. Somehow, somewhy I convinced her. That night she slept like a baby while I had awful nightmares all night. F that S!


Anyway, no need to justify or defend your opposition to the genre, I'm right there with you!

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(I just got a full run of the comic American Vampire by Scott Snyder, who's work I love.  I'm hoping it's not too off-putting for me.  Yikes!)


Me and you, providing overwatch to those brave, intrepid explorers who go into the house full o' nopes while we remain in a tactically-defensible position yelling out "don't go in there!  What are you doing?"  ha ha ha

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  • 5 weeks later...

*** Just making sure that the break in production has everything to do with folks' lives, the holidays and real-life obligations/interests and in no way, shape or form has ANYTHING to do with any of my reviews ***


Hah, no just a scheduling snafu and December being December.

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