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Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade

Ser Warwick

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I usually do not go for early access, but I have been excited about this one ever since it was announced some time ago. I do not have the time and patience to play through a completely bare bones game, but the opening of the alpha seemed like a good time to jump in after watching some gameplay videos.


The game is in alpha, but the core is quite fun, and is essentially the earlier Space Marine game's multiplayer with more of a current playerbase at the moment. Even in it's unfinished state, I am still having fun, but the real draw is the potential. The eventual plan is a Planetside 2 Scenario, and in the coming months Eldar and Orks will become playable.



+Solid shooting mechanics

+Variety of customizable classes (including an assault class without jump pack)

+Even the CSM and SM are not complete clones, with some assymetrical balance

+Play as one of several Aspect Warriors soon enough (planned for February)

+Melee is fun, with some cool execution animations

+Traitors sound like Immortan Joe

+Developer communicates with players and implements demands for changes



-Pretty buggy in places (Alpha)

-Variable frame rate (Alpha)

-Always a chance that they run out of funding and cannot deliver on their promises

-Melee, while fun, can be a little rock-paper-scissor in its implementation, so may need some more work

-This may be my perception, but it seems that Chaos has a better chance of winning, either due to slightly better buffs or the fact that more experienced players might be more drawn to play as the "bad guys".


Bonus Feature: Tanks physics are pretty great at the moment: Charge up an attack against a rhino with a power fist and you can send it spinning away. You can also go full ramming speed with your own tank into the sides of another, slam and pin it to a wall, (damaging both vehicles) and/or flip it into submission, proving that you are the dominant rhino. Maybe they will tone it down, but its gotten a few laughs out of me.


TL;DR Solid core game that will fluctuate in performance as they test and patch it. Buy in now only if you feel the distinct need to drive Predators, Rhinos and fight as a Space Marine of either flavor, and your computer is up to par (mine is currently middling but handling it well enough). Otherwise, wait until the planned release date this summer, especially if you want to play as a filthy Xenos.

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Thanks for the review, I'm focusing on other things, but if I do jump in I'll let you know :D


What do you think your longevity with this game will be? 


Good to know! If you ever find yourself inclined to, I can send my referral code so that we both get some in-game currency, that should function like LoL's RP when the shop drops.


Seeing as how Space Marine is still a guilty pleasure of mine, I'm pretty easily suckered by the 40k theme in action/shooter form. It's simple enough to get a few half hour sessions in, so I will likely keep playing intermittenly until the release date, especially when they add the new races to play. If they deliver as promised by the summer, and keep improving the game, it will likely be my go to multiplayer for the foreseeable future. I think they need the overarching territories system and character progression to keep the community strong, otherwise many will likely play for a few days and move on.


Price seems really high for that game....kept me from buying in early.


Agreed, especially for an alpha/beta. It did come with $20.00 of the in-game currency (which will be used for getting new skins and the like), but the true value of in game currency depends on the success of the game and your own personal investment, as skins for a dead game that you do not enjoy aren't exactly worth the price on the tin.


Buying in now is essentially crowdfunding to support future updates and developer goals. Time will prove whether or not they will deliver, and if the investment was foolish or not. As it stands, the current price point is likely not worth it for the current state of the game, if you compare it to other Steam titles with dedicated multiplayer.

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