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Switching over to Azyr composition


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My son and I are going to start using the Azyr composition system for a bit.It actually seems much improved over what it was last fall with Ogors being more in line.


Some features I'm interested in seeing how they work;


Shooting into combat-Half of the hits(we will round down,though its not specified) go on the friendly models.This should tone down some hard hitting shooters like Siege engines.Also all friendly units that were in the combat have their bravery reduced by 1 for the remainder of the game,nice touch I think:)


Summoning-First off players roll a d6 before the battle starts with the result being the number of warscrolls that they can summon for the entire game.This is possibly too random and restrictive,though I want to try it out and see.This is one of the rules that I believe links up prominently with the Azyr Empires expansion that hes working on as I believe this roll can be modified by controlling various magic nodes on the map.


Also Wizards have a set number of warscrolls they can summon and control during the game,this is based on how many points the wizard costs in composition.This I do like and think it should really keep summoning from getting out of control.


He also clears things up like not allowing summoned warscrolls to activate powers in the turn they were summoned,he hits the further by not allowing them to charge either..not sure I like that one but will watching to see how it goes.


Finally he has added the "Look out sir" rule.Heros within 3" of a warscroll of "like type" models can take a LoS roll on a 4+ per hit,sending the hit to the unit instead.This only works with Warscrolls that are not engaged in melee.


He also lists a rule for warmachines making all hits randomize between the crew or the machine,with the crew taking the hit on a 5+.Not sure what hes going for here as once the machine take a wound then all other wounds have to go on it.I don't think this is very useful.


Anyhow,,heres the link again if anyone wants to check it out-


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Info is in the link above under "Army Composition".It will show the maximum number of scrolls,max point allotment for hero/Monsters and WMs then the max point value of the army.


After the first few pages of comp and rules changes the remaining pages are the point values for the armies so you can choose your units.



Players would set a Battle type first as in a "patrol,small battle,large battle etc..then go from there.Im thinking small battle is a good mid range army size to start with,were is a player building on a starter set would probably do a patrol size.

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It does seem to scale fights down with his size of battles description.However he does state that the Hero/WM/Monster point allotments are all separate,then later says something along the lines of being able to use leftover points from one unit to purchase another...now in the case of Hero`s that are also monsters I think what he means is that it can cost more than the allotted 8 pts(in this case) but then would use up all of the points available from either the monster or hero allotment(your choice) and take the remainder from the other choice bracket.


Example,,you want to take a 9pt hero that is a monster as well,,you are allotted 8 pts per hero/monster and WM slot.You decide to take the warscroll and choose to use up the entire 8 point allotment in the monster catagory,then use 1 of the points in the hero pool,leaving you 7 remaining in the hero pool to purchase other stuff.Now you could choose to use the entire hero pool and just one point of the monster pool to make this work as well.


I know its not very clear but I hope that helps:)

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Ahh so I can use the warmachines points on heroes instead? That's not too bad then. Bit of a juggling act but could work.


Not quite,only if for some reason you had a warscroll that had the Hero and Warmachine rules could you do that.


Is there a list builder for this comp? Scrollbuilder doesn't have it or its not updated

All point values are in the pages of link I posted,actually most of the pages of the document are army point values.Also of note,you pay points for formations with this comp as well.

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Saw that at the bottom too. I meant thou is there a software or website like scrollbuilder cuz all of the options in scrollbuilder don't work.


I'm lazy and don't want to write this stuff down on paper to keep track lol

Naa,,this system is all on paper so yeah,we have to write our lists up just like the olden days,heh.

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So it says that formations override the restrictions but what about points limits?


Example is my wife wants the treeman formation which is 3 treeman. The ancient cost 8, reg one is 9. So if she takes that it completely shatters the format restrictions of 8 total for monsters. Of course that's 25 points so most of the army.


The system feels kinda pointless if you can't being what you want.

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So it says that formations override the restrictions but what about points limits?


Example is my wife wants the treeman formation which is 3 treeman. The ancient cost 8, reg one is 9. So if she takes that it completely shatters the format restrictions of 8 total for monsters. Of course that's 25 points so most of the army.


The system feels kinda pointless if you can't being what you want.

I would say it overrides the slot point restrictions for Hero/Monst/WM`s but would still have to come in under the overall points cap that is being played.


I have some in mind that would be hard to fit in with the slot restrictions as well.


Probably the biggest advantage with Azyr comp is that it actually has a testing record and is shown to be very balanced as evidenced below:


" We had our 550th playtest game submitted so I thought I'd show the overall win percentages of each force so far.


Vampire Counts: 62.35%

Stormcast: 61.48%

Ogres: 58.63%

Tomb Kings: 56.99%

Skaven: 55.53%

High Elves: 54.14%

Empire: 53.90%

Dark Elves: 52.16%

Lizardmen: 50.42%

Daemons: 50.37%

Warriors of Chaos: 48.01%

Dwarves: 47.69%

Orcs and Goblins: 47.15%

Wood Elves: 45.82%

Beastmen: 45.65%

Bloodbound: 43.02%

Bretonnia: 39.49%


This was posted a few pages back on our forums and is from last fall I believe...


Plus Azyr comp is the system that is used in his Azyr Empires campaign system.

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What's size games are those based off? From what been adding up all the game sizes would be skirmishes since you only have 10-20 total models.


Having 1-2 hero's and maybe a single monster with 2 units of 5 infantry doesn't seem very exciting. All you can take is the generic hero with no options and a few units. It's no wonder bloodbound are the worst for this comp cuz all their stuff is super expensive points wize. Skarbrand is 8 so that's all you get is him lol

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I believe those stats are from an escalation league and other misc games played within their club,so they would likely be games of various size points.


In terms of size of battle and model count,,keep in mind that the starter set has 17 Stormcast models and 29 Bloodbound.Ive played that matchup over a dozen times and its enough for interesting fights:)

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Then what to do is to build the army you want to play using the Azyr comp rules then state the total point size catagorie you want to play in.Then your opponent will build his to that point level as well:)



SDK is nice for pickup games but to play the game in a more balanced and competitively oriented session there really needs to be slot restrictions of some sort.This is were Azyr comp comes in,,or for that matter it could be clash,or one of the many other event comps out there.

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Except you can't just ignore it. If the size is 30 the size is 30. The 3 treeman are 25 alone therefore it can't be done. Limits like that don't offer any flexibility or design customization. I wouldn't be surprised if all the games played were either the exact same lists for small games or maxed out so people can actually bring what they want.


I'm sure it's good for balanced competitive cookie cutter games but not at all for bring your collection casual games

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