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Need Khorne/Chaos bits + Meltaguns


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Howdy all! I'm in need of a few bits in order to finish my "Chaos Knights to Khorne Bikers" project I have going:


-1 Chaos Knight (dude on horsey, not big robot). Would like him to have armored / "non-booted" legs

-4 sets of armored Chaos Knight lets (because CSM with leather boots = no bueno)

-6 Meltaguns

-Khorne heads. Looking for WHFB / AoS heads (Wrathmongers, Skullcrushers, Blood Warriors). Only looking for helmeted heads. Not looking for any 40K / Berzerker heads.


Also looking for a single Bloodletter (current plastic).


Happy to toss some PayPal your way if you don't mind tossing stuff in an envelope, or I'm happy to go through my bits if you have something you are looking for  :smile:


Thank you!

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I should have several of those items.


I have Chaos Knights and helms.


I am not sure what you need for your second request.


Let me know,


For the second request, out of the 5 sets of legs for the Knights themselves, 3 of the legs are armored and two of them are wearing boots:




Looking to replace my booted legs with armored legs. Happy to trade my legs for the legs I'm looking for so you or anyone else still has a full Knight :)


I'll PM you on my lunch break, thanks!



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