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Fix's game in the wild's of Kublacon

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Sadly, Galactic Express didn't place in one of the top spots, but I came away from the weekend with a couple of the things I wanted most, going in: a bevy of playtest reports (it was checked out from the game library pretty well constantly over the weekend and I have a stack of playtest responses to mull over, which I wouldn't have from just about anywhere else), and connections and introductions to the right people who can help me move the project forward toward publication.  Thanks, Keisha and Russ for the shove in this direction.  I know it'll result in a better game and pay off in the end.


But aside from all that, Kublacon was goddamn amazing.  A highly recommended and friendly con.

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You were robbed! I just hope that goddamn cupcake game was not ahead of you. Did that redneck invasion game get in the top places?


Great to see you Brad, Jim, & Kacy. Hopefully you make the trek back next year. Lib has given me green light to attend for the weekend.


I had a great time for the one day I went and would recommend others to attend.

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Heh. Yeah, it took second, somehow. Redneck Invasion won.


The hell. Cupcake Kingdom? What kind of world do we live in? Didn't play Redneck Invasion, but it's layout and art seemed complete. I reckon we'll be seeing it soon on Kickstarter if they're going that route. That means Consumption was third, I take it.


Such a fun con. Such great people. I had what might be the best roleplaying session of my life, met tons of cool people, played lots of games, and learned tons about game design. I missed the GenCon dealer room, but not the crowds. It was great to run into the same people you met at a previous game.


Hey Brad, do you want a latke?

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