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Pestilens and nurgle


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Hey guys so ive looked at what the army theme i had before would be like in a competitive environment and it just would be a crazy near impossible set up under 3k.



So for now ive gone in a different direction with skaven pestilens and the great papa nurgle.


General list idea ( no points atm) is the virulent horde box set with 3 grey seers the glotkin and some blight kings then comes the summoning of the plauge bearers and plauge drones and nurglings. I also have 2 more plauge claws and some storm fiends. What does everyone thinknof the collection and basoc idea of the skaven doing some heavy lifting and then summoning up some extra atuff as the game goes

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Like the theme, id get other daemons to summon if youre using 3 greyseers because of the rule of one.. Herald and maybe a few beasts of nurgle; Since you can't summon more then one of the same type a turn. And the big point of summons being able to edit your force for the tactical advances.


Speaking of Plague bearers and clanrats are batteline so ull need some of them to start with. Verminlord corruptor is also a wizard if you want a nurgle keyword and good command ability for..


Clanrats (since you didn't mention them ;) serve two functions either as a large block with spears to combo with another unit or as a small line for space denial. Being so cheap both tactics have their advantage.. This works wonders because of their retreat and charge rule so youll recharge for cleanup crew or simply pull in more models. But you might like min squads then plague monks for their aggression and synergy. And of course Starter boxes. Heck if you went two verminlord corruptors you could use Monks as batteline in lower points and still summon daemons. Or maybe warpseer for the reroll save, 3 mortal wounds to flyers and being able to summon giant rats which there's a few on the monk sprues if i recall correctly.


Plaguebearers are great tarpits not sure they have the damage output like the drones. And ive been favoring weapons teams over the fiends mostly cause of battleshock.. (And i dont like the model lol)

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It was my understanding that the battle line and stuff didnt matter unless you played the points. And plauge monks are battle line for a competitive list if i use pestilance as my allegiance. And id love to use more weapon teams but gw seems to have discontinued like all of them. As ive never played skaven wver and there seems to be zero tacticas for aos amd skaven in general.

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For the past few months I have been working on a combined force of Skaven pestilence with Nurgle Daemons and Warriors. All of the cool goodies are present such as Glotkin, 2 of the three Maggoth Lords, Vermin lord, Plague Furnaces, etc. it's a great themed list.

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Ive read through the 1d4chan stuff but theres really nothing of current updates. At some point i will be going into some points games but for now im hoping people will still play open play. Speaking of which if anyone is available tomorrow or Tuesday dice age will let us use the generals handbook during a game i believe

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