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Raising funds need to S: TAU and Necons Lizardman


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I am not trying to piece meal these out. My farther in law developed Cancer and we are trying to raise some money to get him to treatment in Mexico. I am letting the armies go for a very good price as time is a factor.

Looking to sell Tau have a lot of the older crisis suits, one riptide, I have 2 hammer heads tanks. two D-fish, the new fire warrior box of troop choices and 12 fire warriors. Also I have 3 old style broadsides, a one fast skimmer. pathfinders, Metal HQ ethereal. Have some spare bits I think I have some of the parts to make one of the Hammerheads in too at lest one anti air tank.

Not sure what to ask for this batch of Tau to be honest. It is a solid number of models to play Farsite tau if liked. I do have a Base Codex as well. Will consider best offer for these.

Also Necrons elites Praetorian guard, and lichguard with sword and board, 30 plus warriors, 10 immortals troop, 11 wraiths lots of scarabs, 3 spiders and 3 annulation barges, a few different HQ, plus one flyer..

I have some nicely painted Lizardman models and some not painted if you are looking to get into Age of Sigmar Let me know if you are interested I can't recall info on that.

Please let me know if interested.






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Let me know if there is anything you would like.


I have 12 Tau suits with weapon bits. some of the suits have the week ankle's that are common to the tau model line sadly.

2 broadsides

8 coastem pathfinders they are the green ones.

24 fire warriors and one new box of the new type of fire warriors.

2 Dfish

2 Hammerheads

1 riptide

I do have the bits for the sky Ray for one of the hammerheads for D-fish.


I have

11 wraiths

8 lichguard, 8 Pretorian guard with rods extra bits for both.

30 warriors


3 lords/overlord, + 3 named finecast HQ

10 immortals

12 scarabs

1 Night scythe

3 barges

3 spiders

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