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Infinity Tournament on Sept 17th at Fate & Fury Games in Vancouver, WA


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300 point Infinity tournament with focus on sportsmanship.

This will be a non-ITS tournament., however it will be run like an ITS tournament, with the typical 2 list format. Each list must be from the same army or sectorial, with a limit of 2 combat groups. Please bring your printed army lists, and courtesy list for your opponents, (remember *sportsmanship, you WILL be graded.*). 

With the emphasis being on sportsmanship, the best sport will be awarded....
...wait for it... 

...wait for it...

a copy of *Operation Red Veil*!

Then an ITS pack featuring the Krakot Renegade for the over all ITS/non-ITS winner! 

Now, the entry fee for the tournament is $15. 

16 players.

Information will be posted as its thought up. 

The missions will be:
1st round: Nimbus Zone
2nd round: Highly Classified 
3rd right: Fire Fight

11:30 Set up/Register
Noon - 2pm Round 1
2pm - 3pm Lunch
3pm - 5pm Round 2
5pm - 7pm Round 3
7pm Cleanup and awards

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