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General's Handbook and Allegiances


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I wasn't aware of it until I saw a thread at the Dakka Dakka AoS forum and not really paying much attention to my General's Handbook that there is a whole section on Grand Allegiances Abilities (Order, Chaos, Death, and Destruction). I knew there was Command Traits and Artifacts, but the bit I missed was Battle Traits. 
Each of the Allegiances have special abilities as long as your entire army can claim that allegiance. For Destruction (aka Ironjawz), any unit within 8" of your General or another Hero may move an extra d6" in the Hero Phase, but may not run in the movement phase. This movement has no other restrictions on anything the unit may do later in the turn. Basically, the one thing that was really holding my Ironjawz back was the 4" movement. Now, I get an extra d6" in the Hero Phase. So now my army can move d6+4"+2d6" charge, or 7"-22" in a turn! If it's my 'Ardboys, they get even more movement with the Drummer. The Cavalry (Gore-Gruntas) are speed 9", meaning 12"-27"!


Truely, the Ironjawz are a massive, rolling juggernaut of destruction!


Anyone else find any cool little things like that about their army now with the General's Handbook?


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It looks like I can't field an entire army of Ironjawz in a Pitched Battle and use the Allegiance Destruction abilities. Ironjawz only have Battleline units when you declare Ironjawz Allegiance.


If I'm reading the Generals Handbook FAQ correctly, you select one Allegiance, and that's your Allegiance for the battle. Does that mean you "lose" the other keywords?


Really sucks that I'm gonna have to pick up a couple units of non-Ironjawz models to fill in my Battleline units for Pitched Battles for Destruction.

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 From the Errata,last sentence,second paragraph of the page 106 changes.."You can choose to take either the allegiance abilities for the allegiance your army belongs to,or the allegiance abilities for the Grand Alliance your army belongs to."


  So if you are 100% Ironjaws,then you are also 100% Destruction,,you can choose either Destruction allegiance or Ironjaws allegiance.

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If I'm understanding this correctly, for a pitched battle with an army of all Ironjawz warscrolls: 


I'm Destruction for the Grand Alliance, meaning I get the Battle Trait, Command Trait, and Artifact Trait of Destruction.


My army allegiance is Ironjawz, so certain warscrolls listed in the Generals Handbook, can be taken as Battleline units. I also get all the army wide benefits from belonging to Ironjawz for my army.


Now, what happens if I add a couple warscrolls that are Destruction, but not Ironjawz? I can still be Destruction, but my army is no longer Ironjawz, so I lose the Battleline Ironjawz units. However, all my other Ironjawz warscrolls are still Ironjawz for abilities (except the non-Ironjawz warscrolls).



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  You can be Ironjawz allegiance and still choose the Destruction abilities and artifacts.Basically you can mix and match and choose whatever allegiance you want as long as its all in the same Grand Alliance and of course your army has the keyword for them.About the only restricting factor now is if you want to use some of the abilities or artifacts from a specific army then you need to choose that one to be your allegiance,,in this case you want to use the Battleline troops of the Ironjawz so you need to choose that,,which doesnt affect what you want to do as you can choose either the GA Destruction stuff to use and or the Ironjawz stuff to use.

  About the only situation were a player would be restricted is if they are using two(or more) armies within the same GA and will need to choose only one of them to draw abilities/artifacts choices(along with the Grand Alliance ones) from.


  You dont need to be 100% Ironjawz in order to have Ironjawz allegiance.I was a bit confusing above,sorry.


  Yes,it was different when the GH released as they were implying that in order to gain the use of those units as Battleline you had to choose that faction as your allegiance,thus screwing people out of the abilities and artifacts.


 Hope that helps:)

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I think you may be off on that. To take a allegiance you have to be 100%. But you can choose which allegiance abilities and artifacts either destruction or ironjaws. IE to take ironjaws as battleline you need to have all ironjaws but heroes can use destruction abilities. If you add to your army list say a oger unit they can no longer choose ironjaws allegiance just destruction.


The one exception allegiance battalions which is an other can of worms

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