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Terrain point values?


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Ever consider balancing the gaming table by assigning point values to terrain features? Wouldn't be that hard to create a GURPS like point system for balancing terrain. I often feel like the gaming table affects the balance of the game more than the opponent's list. Plus, it would make it easier to define what saves and effect a given terrian piece is intended to grant. 


Not talking about fortifications, but the actual terrain features on the table. The hills, forests and ruins. Wouldn't put in the player's army list, just as a method of making sure the table had "balanced" set up (like per table quarter, or table halve). 


I know, an extra step, so probably too much work, but just curious if others have looked into this sort if thing?



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I don't think it would be workable. There's too much variation in value depending on the exact location of a piece and the Armies in question. Big LoS blocker in mid-field? Great for an Assault Army, terrible for a Gunline. LoS Blocker back in a corner? No one cares. Tall piece with great LoS in a Deployment Zone? Huge for a shooty Army, worthless for Assault.

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I don't think it would be workable. There's too much variation in value depending on the exact location of a piece and the Armies in question. Big LoS blocker in mid-field? Great for an Assault Army, terrible for a Gunline. LoS Blocker back in a corner? No one cares. Tall piece with great LoS in a Deployment Zone? Huge for a shooty Army, worthless for Assault.

What if the exact, or close to exact, position was calculated into the value? For example, a different point cost for placement in your deployment zone, no man's land, and the opponent's deployment zone. You could get more exact too. 


Shallow Water is probably one of the most vicious terrain options for a Tyranid army, as it present no LOS blocking ability, but is difficult terrain in the BRB. Still, it could have use, depending on how your assault army is built. Off hand, it's dangerous terrain for deep strikers and vehicles, so having water might be annoying for your advance, but it does increase your defenses against deep strike surprise attacks and reduces enemy vehicle mobility. 

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