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Just did a scouting walk with Finn. It's a block from my house.


Your Turn Games has done a soft opening already, but are doing a grand opening this Friday. The owner, Jason, is a nice guy - he previously ran a game store in Hawaii (Big Island, I think); I don't remember the name of the store. The storefront is small, and it sounds like he's trying to fill gaps in Bellingham's gaming scene, rather than trying to compete. He'll be doing Magic (of course), but also covering Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh. He's also doing some RPGs - Pathfinder, D&D, Deadlands, Firefly, and Numenera. Odd mix, but his target demographic is more beginners and kids, rather than old grognards. He's looking to set up some regular events. With the close location to Fairhaven MS, I reckon he did his marketing research well in that respect.


Oddly, the one miniature game he wants to carry is Infinity. He hasn't played the game (beyond a couple of demos), but his impression is that it's a game, with its low model count, that will be more accessible to beginners. He;ll be carrying Plastruct terrain, and a selection of miniatures. 


He seems like a nice guy, and I hope he does well. In some ways, he seems like he's spot on in regards to his market research (Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh and kids-oriented RPGs in Fairhaven), in others, less so (Infinity in Fairhaven). If you have a chance, please stop by sometime this weekend - grand opening is Friday. They're at 1132 Finnegan Way in Fairhaven. Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/events/1857458487806554/ 

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I don't know how you go having a very successful game store on the big island.  Hardly anyone lives on the big island.  There were a couple good stores on Oahu, but a guy named Kyle ran the best one Other Realms, and Jelly's shuttered their game stuff.  That was years ago though, so maybe they picked it back up.  There was a third one, armchair general or something like that, but it was a grognard cave in the back corner of a strip mall.  It was packed floor to ceiling with boxes of flames of war and the like.  Total deathtrap.

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