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The AOS-ification of 40k from a 40k Author


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Seriously though, think before you start spouting off about end times or spreading rumours. It’s all going to be okay, trust me.





ultradimension-andra asked:

Do you think Slaanesh being removed from Fantasy is going to affect things in 40k? It seems to me like it could but thatd be... Confusing mainly.

It’s not been removed permanently, it’s coming back to Age of Sigmar as part of the ongoing narrative.


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Robbie MacNiven with a response to the increase of '
-ified' nonsense



He was right that planet Fenris wasn't destroyed in the WZF campaign and I'm sure he will be correct again



Also regarding Slaanesh


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Yeah but people really, really, really, REALLY want it to happen. That makes the rumors more plausible! And by "rumors" I mean "somebody thought it would be nice and that was taken to mean it was obvious that was what GW was doing."


Because, I mean, just look at the way the game is going right now- it's obviously leading into AoS.

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If it did happen and people leave the hobby as they did after 8th got smashed GW would be put out of business. 40k is their main baby. The only reason why they changed 8th to AOS was to try and sell more models as they weren't selling enough fantasy. They are still selling 40k at huge amounts so to change it at huge risk would be the most idiotic business model ever. It wont happen. 

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Could benefit from a slimming of the rules though.  I like the idea of fewer USR and more special rules on the unit datasheet.  It's actually pretty cool in AoS, for example shields work different depending on the unit.  Chaos Warriors get a 5+ save against mortal wounds (similar to inv saves), beast men simply get a bonus to their save, other units get to reroll 1s when saving.  It lets each unit have it's own character. 

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I think there's a lot of good stuff in AoS, but at the same time shifting 40K over to it would be a huge money-loser for GW, which makes it unlikely. I also think AoS has problems of its own, just ones that people aren't as aware of/concerned about because it doesn't get the same kind of attention that 40K does.

Totally agree.  We'll most likely not see the base mechanics of the game change: S vs. T, AV vs Armor save.  I do think bringing back to hit modifiers instead of cover saves would be nice, as well as an overhaul of the assault phase.    It seems to me the current rules don't scale to larger battles well, anything above 1500pts...But I'm just rambling.  It'll be interesting to see what they do.

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