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deadwing34 last won the day on January 11 2023

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About deadwing34

  • Birthday 07/11/1975

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  1. Will individual event organizers have a chance to elaborate on their events in more detail at some point soon.
  2. As you can tell we are all excited and thanks for the info. I look forward to seeing more info about OFCC.
  3. I am hoping to help with the following events to make sure they happen at OFCC this year. Marvel Crisis Protocol, Warhammer Underworlds and Kill Team (current edition). Having recently embraced a skirmish game "only" lifestyle, I want to see events for fans of skirmish games all weekend long.
  4. Do you know what hours we will have access to the event floor each day of OFCC? This will help HoG's to plan around events for each day. Thanks so much. Cannot wait to go back to OFCC this year. HYPE HYPE!!!
  5. Mindtaker is by far the easiest way to sell stuff, if you don't want the hassle of selling it yourself.
  6. If you are a trustworthy person I have 2 chaos spawn that are fully painted and based and you can borrow them if you want. I live in SE Portland.
  7. This is the big one people it will be a 2000p 5 round 2 day event. The TO is hoping to make it a AoS major event. Best Coast Pairings | Rose City Wrath
  8. 1 day 3 round tournament at the Portland Game store. Best Coast Pairings | The March Melee
  9. I just confirmed I can come out to the next one on December 12th. I will plan on coming out and staying until they close again so from 11am to 5pm. Also planning on bringing 2 full forces to play with at 1500 points. We had 2 games going with a few other onlookers as well.
  10. A group of us are planning on going to this on a regular basis, first one is this Sunday 11/14/21. It will be every second Sunday from 1pm to 4pm. The hours of play may potentially be a bit more flexible since the stores hours on Sunday's are as follows 11am to 5pm. For this first session we are bringing 1500 points. I will have 2 full 1500 points lists and a 4'x4' mat and terrain for a table, for all of those interested in checking out the game and re-learning (or learning for the first time) the rules again. Hope to see you Princeps out.
  11. I believe the long term plan for this game is similar to how Warhammer Underworlds is done. In that the models and kill team rules would be designed with Kill Team in mind first and foremost and just a nice to have ability to use those same models in 40k if you play both games. Which to me is totally fine since I have stopped playing 40k and even if I did play both games it would be cool to have some small unique units I could use in either game. Before for people that only wanted to play Kill Team they would have to but a ton of kits to get all of the model options they needed for Kill Team. With the new model it appears you can always get by with 1 box of Kill Team models or worst case 2 boxes of models to get you all of the model options to run any configuration of a Kill Team. With the Ork Kommandos, there is almost zero reason to buy 2 boxes but with the Krieg I did end up getting 2 boxes to get all of the options I wanted and even in that case I gave a few models to my son so he could flesh out his Krieg Kill Team a bit more.
  12. Yep my plan is to only play the "True" Kill Teams and they are planning on making "True" Kill Teams for all 40K armies at least by looking at the road mat they have done. For those armies that are further off they are doing the White Dwarf rules it appears anyway. The roadmap very much looks like a steady stream of bespoke Kill Teams. After playing a handful of games I absolutely love the rules for the game, my favorite GW Skirmish game for sure.
  13. We also have WD rules for Thousand Sons, I know most players that have been playing have been having a fun time with the Compendium rules only, there seems to be more local players playing compendium over the Kill Teams with full rules based on my experience.
  14. Yah 2 so far my guess is those armies/kill teams have a long ways to go before they get their kill team specific models so they are white dwarfing them for now.
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