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Lord Hanaur

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Posts posted by Lord Hanaur

  1. update:


    I played a few more games with this list and continue to make tweaks as I see more opponents.  Little things at first, as I prodded along.  


    Deep Striking my Raptors continues to be a challenge.  It is a large unit and scatters have hurt pretty badly (though one must admit that I am probably on the aggressive side).  That is my number one issue at the moment.  The actual Strategy itself works very well:  flood them with targets all at once and with not enough guns to kill it all, cut off their avenues of escape and then go in roaring with Dirge Casters.  


    Bouncing the Raptors forward is certainly one options behind a wall of Rhinos instead of reserving them, but those rhinos certainly do go down despite the Land Raiders shadow which they can hide in.  Not helping matters has been that the Landraider has immobilized itself or been immobilized in round 1, every game (mostly terrain tests).  So I have wisely added a Dozer blade.


    This epic bad luck has seen Rhinos not  getting to the enemy in as good a numbers as i needed, where I needed, so the Destroyer Blades had to come off to make room.  I also found that the Sorcerer, while very cool, ultimately needed to be less of a feature for this force.  Those points needed to be redistributed a little.


    So in the most recent version of this experiment in melee oriented army listing here's where I'm at:


    14 Khornate Raptors (Icon of Wrath, 2 Meltaguns, Gift of Mutation+Sword+Meltabomb on Champion)


    14 Nurgle Raptors (2 Meltaguns, Gift of Mutation+Sword+Meltabomb on Champion)


    Heldrake (BaleFlamer)


    3 Rhinos (Dirge Casters)


    Chaos LandRaider (Dozer, Dirge Caster)


    Defiler (Dirge Caster, BattleCannon, TL Heavy Flamer, TL Havoc Launcher, TL AutoCannon)


    1 Nurgle Obliterator


    1 Nurgle Mutilator


    1 Nurgle Mutilator


    Sorcerer (Psychic Shriek most of the time, Gift of Mutation)


    3 units of 5 Chaos Marines


    1 unit of 5 Chaos Marines (Flamer)

  2. Well I guess most things are junk if you can't roll well, but I apprecaite the wisdom. :P


    I would like to get one. I read LH's article and though I didn't understand it all, it sounds like if you play them you want three of them. 

    I think its the best way to go, but my friend uses just one and seems to make it work quite well.  It's a big source of annoyance round after round.

  3. For tournament play, two Riptides is also good as I have proven.  =)


    Most people here treat normal games as practice games.  And I'm yet to feel compelled to add another.  Heck, I don't even use Broadsides.


    TAU Bombers are really unique.  Rarely do you find a weapon system that can hit three targets in a round.

  4. The Shield Drone.  It appears, from the rules, that the shield it generates only protects the drone itself, not the unit it is attached to.  So why would I add such a unit to a group of Firewarriors? Just as a tough ablative soaker? Seems I'd rather have a gun drone instead.

    Generally you dont want to add drones to fw unless you want markerlights added.  But the shield drone adds a tough wound if your plans put fire warriors into harms way a lot OR if you havent got as many scoring units as youd like and want to toughen the existing squads a bit.

  5. My blog has an article on using the bomber.  The bomber is pretty cool.


    Now I use two Riptides (three is overkill in my opinion) but dont buy into the opinion that bombers arent cool.  You just have to support them correctly.  Just as you do in any lit that wants to feature an air force.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't think full broods of Devilgaunts is the way to go- you're allowed to mix weapons in a squad now, so taking 15-20 Termagants and then filling out the rest with Devilgaunts behind them is a good way to have enough bodies to soak casualties, but still have a lot of firepower once you get in range.


    Exocrines are pretty excellent, yeah. I need to get mine built so I can see if it's possible for them to have cover behind an Aegis Line, but my intuition is that they won't be able to, so you'll need something else.


    The models you listed, assuming no other upgrades, are about 2100pts give or take. however, as Mawlocs and Exocrines are both HS units, it's not a legal list. You're really short on Synapse, having only the Tyrant and Shrikes, neither of which is very durable- I would at the very least make it a Flyrant or give it some Tyrant Guard. to make sure it stays alive. Also, Lictors to guide in the Mawlocs could be very helpful- Infiltrate in, move + run forward (or assault if you're going second and the distance isn't too bad) and you're actually pretty close to the enemy on T2 when the Mawloc arrives. If you hit the dirt, you probably end up with a 2+ cover save and HnR can scoot you all over the field if you're lucky.

    Again, no codex but the site says exocrine is an elite...  not a heavy

  7. So right out the gate, after reading this coidex my mind immediately went to the Hive Crones and Exocrines.  


    The Exocrines can take out a Quad gun pretty fast once it's in place and in range.  The Hive Crones can follow and nuclear strike most flyers with ease, almost as easily as the Crimson Hunter does perhaps.  The Hive Crone is still quite effective against normal ground targets, though that is not its primary function.  Nonetheless it can smash isolated ground vehicles pretty nicely afterwards.  I think this a real winner.  The Exocrine is a foul thing that isn't very sturdy in the grand scheme of things, but then, that's what the horde of bugs is FOR:  Keep em busy and form a screen that the Venomthropes can enhance.


    The other thing you need for a list is definitely (it seems to me) venomthropes.  


    Synapse is pretty important so that'll have to be a priority issue methinks.



    I was musing and thinking that a nice core for a Tyranid force would be:


    2 Hive Crones

    3 Venomthropes (Cause yeah...Awesome)

    2 Exocrine (Act like less disappointing Vindicators pretty much when you think about it)

    Hive Tyrant (synapse)

    2 30 Termagaunt Broods (Devourers)

    1 30 Hormagaunt brood  (Screening force)

    Broodlord and his buddies Genestealer buddies to pin down important units early and maybe even eat them)

    Brood of Shrikes with Devourers (for Synapse and fortitude at the weaker points in the line)

    2 Mawlocs (Because Line breaker and uber fun DUNE effect.  I can chat "Shai-Hulud" every time it surfaces)


    Can someone tell me how many points that would be.  FEELS like 2K but I dont have the codex with me to confirm it.

  8. Ditto. It's not there's nothing good in here, but it feels really lazy compared to the other books, all of which get neat special rules and army-wide bonuses.





    Mawlocs are reasonably solid, although they do have a significant issue in actually striking on target- they're about as accurate as firing artillery blind, which is to say not terribly accurate at all. That said, they are an extremely cheap W6 monster that can try and take out enemy heavy infantry before they get a chance to do anything to you, and that's hardly bad. Sadly, since they hit side armor rather than rear armor now, vehicles are a major problem for them.





    It does not. The Mawloc's base is the large oval one, which is longer than (but not quite as wide as) the large blast marker. You will very commonly need to repeat the the attack in order to clear enough space.





    New Shadow, while somewhat worse than the old one, is pretty fine at the end of the day. The fact that it is still a blanket effect and the same range is probably good enough, and against lower-Leadership psykers it's actually really strong.


    Removing Mycetic Spores was an incredibly arbitrary decision, though. If they didn't want to make a model for them, they could just add a "Mycetic Spore" upgrade that let the unit Deep Strike.





    *shrug* And I've won a billion billion matches using nothing but a single naked Inquisitor with no other models in my army, but that doesn't prove anything, either. I believe Mikhail's 3rd place finish was using the old WD codex, unless I'm greatly mistaken, not the newer one.

    Not a worthy response. And you are mistaken.

  9. I second LH.  Those are great multi-tools for deep striking shenanigans.  There's no army that doesn't have a target of opportunity for them, and they aren't very expensive either.


    And if there's one thing that's fun to do, its deep striking shinanigans. Lemme tell ya. Though I DID just have a terribad Night Lord game yesterday wherein I mishap'd 5 times. But hey. First time its ever happened so my enthusiasm remains for those shenanigans.
  10. If you really want, I can comb over your posts to nitpick minor spelling and grammatical errors, too, but it doesn't make me any smarter for doing so.




    It's nice that you like the SoB book, but the overwhelming response from other people, including other SoB players, is that it is amazingly bland and very weak, even compared to the White Dwarf codex. The fact that, as far as I know, it hasn't even placed well in a single tournament since it was released would lend credence to that idea.


    "If the Tyranid book was written differently, it wouldn't have been so bad" is not a defense. The later codices that improved on it were written by other authors- I don't think there's anything to really support the notion that Crudacce would have done better if he had been given more time.


    Codex: Space Marines is alright, but there's still some serious complaints to be had. Ask a Raven Guard player what they think of the book.





    Maybe you didn't know what Swarmlord did before, but he took a MAJOR hit in effectiveness. First of all, he can't get Invisibility, Iron Arm, or Endurance anymore- all three of which were better than the powers he has now. Second, he doesn't let you reroll outflanking edges. Third, his Boneswords don't force the enemy to reroll invulnerable saves. That's a lot of strikes against him, and it's not to even mention the fact that he went up in price (albeit barely) and is still just as slow as he was before. T6/3+ isn't enough to get you across 24" or 36" of ground by itself when the other guy is shooting at you.


    (And with regards to the Tyranid psychic table- it's hardly bad, but the Primaris is almost entirely useless and the inability to access any other tables or guarantee particular power results, especially combined with the low mastery levels of Tyranid psykers, means that you can't really rely on having anything helpful.)

    I won 5 tournies out of the first six I played in using the white dwarf sisters codex. By the way, using a list that included the canoness and her command squad, plus one of everything in the codex. So unfortunately your internet "sources" will have to bark up another tree. Didnt Mikhailenin go 3rd at NOVA using sisters and gk allies? And I've seen pre tre have success. Crudacce did fine on the codex. So...my point was...in all fairness, perhaps we should not be so hasty.

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