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Everything posted by Swan-of-War

  1. I read a rumor elsewhere that it's 95£
  2. That starter box is pretty hefty with a hardbound rulebook included - curious on the price.
  3. Anyone excited about 9th edition?
  4. Yeah, I'm not sure. I do have some liquid green stuff but I've never really used it. Should have a go at the hood
  5. They mention a new one in the FAQ
  6. I don't understand your comment. I was just saying that rolling a 1 for plasma isn't all too bad when you can spend a Command point to reroll
  7. Seems like Gets Hot! results are a thing of the past
  8. Demon players do get an advantage of sorts in that they can choose what type of demon they're paying for as the situation dictates, not having to specify it pre-game. Pretty cool
  9. The last sentence says they will be discussing points tomorrow
  10. Thanks Romans! I've been finding that painting on sprue has some assembly challenges (e.g. gaps) of its own.
  11. Gettin' my Belisarius Cawl on. unfortunately, the lighting washed out most of his detail
  12. So you can prevent another unit from charging you next turn if they're close enough
  13. Hey all - I've been getting enough painting in for an update: finished a squad of Rust Stalkers and five more Vanguard w/ a single Arc Rifle. I also added Alphas to my larger Vanguard squads (one with taser goad, one with arc maul). These larger pics really show how bad I am at assembly - I found some waterslides from the Bolt Action German Tanks set that I used for numbers, pretty close to what I was looking for and I'm happy with them. Added markings to the Onagers and Kastelans. There's a few subtle warning signs on the Onagers from the Skitarii decal set (if you look hard enough).
  14. Chargers strike first? Sold!
  15. I'm excited about the Skitarii / Cult merger. I've got a Skitarii core with a Cohort Cybernetica now - I look forward to fielding a Tech-Priest Dominus more like an HQ choice for my entire army rather than tied to a certain formation. I have both codexes, which I think I'll actually hold on to for the fluff and purty pictures.
  16. Ynnippy! Ynnurray! So ynnexcited!
  17. Sorry, I think I read your previous post before my coffee kicked in. I agree that balance and less randomness is a good step towards tournament play.
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