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Everything posted by Swan-of-War

  1. Was great! Heroic runs a good tournament. I'd say the lists were competitive (but not unbeatable) and many included Forgeworld models. Tougher than the lists you and I would bring to play Fantasy with so don't hold back. First round was against Nell and her Sisters of Battle - she was practicing for an ITC San Francisco tournament that she and her husband are headed to. Her list was cool and had Celestine and a detachment of Greyfax / Sisters of Silence. It was Big Guns Never Tire and she swept up the objectives in Turn 4 - think I scored three Victory points for killing some heavies but that's it. Second round was Damien and his Death Watch on the bottom table. He brought a solid list as Death Watch go but was discovering that they're really not that competitive in a tournament. He just couldn't kill enough to keep up - it ended on Turn 3 with all victory points to me. Last round was against Nate and his Marines. There were a couple nasty Forgeworld Dreads and a huge Forgeworld Land Raider type tank (Spartan?) and everything else in Razorbacks. We deployed diagonal for a standard Retrieval mission, most objectives were already in/ close to his deployment zone. Due to bad rolling and saves on his part, I whittled him down to a Turn 4 victory, all but one victory point to me. The Spartan was a huge point sink that didn't do much the whole tourney. I came in fifth place (!) and won Best Painted (!!!), which was a surprise given the other stunning armies and models there. Great time - hope you can make the next one!
  2. So here’s a question that came up from yesterday’s tournament. I had a unit of four Kastelan Robots in a straight line. Behind them, a Datasmith. The Datasmith is there to change their Protocols (or buffs). My Kastelans were programmed with the infamous Protector Protocol, which means they cannot move, but are able to shoot twice in the Shooting phase. My opponent was able to kill one Kastelan, leaving a gap in my line. Now, since my Kastelans are unable to move, how do they maintain unit coherency? The Datasmith can reprogram their protocol to either Aegis or Fighty, which allows them to move, but is he required to? And what if he’d been killed off as well? Anyway, being the gentleman nerds we are, we decided its best that the Datasmith reprogram them so they could move back together into coherency. Do you agree?
  3. To those who own the new Primaris Marines, how do they compare to the standard marine's chainsword arms? Would they look to short for a conversion? Thanks -
  4. Powells was always a rip off for codexes
  5. Edit because I can't be bothered to read the thread
  6. Swan-of-War


    For Sale: Militarum Tempestus Start Collecting set on sprue and a set of Blood & Skulls Industries Longhorn 6x6 Wheels for the Taurox Prime, primed black. USA only, $80 shipped, Paypal please. Located near Seattle, WA
  7. Is the Militarum Tempestus Command Squad w/ 4 Plasma considered OP now? Cuz I'm in the middle of building some too. Would taking just 2 Plasmas and 3 Lasgun guys in a regular Scion squad be more acceptable? Just deep strike two squads instead of one...
  8. I could never get mine to work. Must be a gorilla
  9. Taurox Prime ready for action. I've played three games so far and think the Protector Protocol in the Kastelans may be a bit overwhelming. For OFCC I think I'll either forego using it or just bring two Kastelans.
  10. Swan-of-War


    Sold to the American
  11. Swan-of-War


    Hey Ordo - Bought these last night for a conversion idea that failed. Most everything still on sprue, enough parts to make a full set of Fulgerite (staff) priests or four Corpuscarii (gauntlet) priests. Actually, I chopped up one set of bare hands only so if you grab some off Ebay you can have a full set of Corpuscarii instead (I did shave a little off of the backpack, no big deal). Includes bases and instructions. Located near Seattle, can meet on eastside Bellevue/Issaquah or International District downtown Seattle.
  12. Are there any rules for the Armored Munitorum Containers yet?
  13. Adding them on over the green - just white primer with some super thin washes of Karak stone ( think that's what it's called)
  14. Starting on some Militarum Tempestus - just waiting for the chunky tires to arrive to finish it.
  15. I just noticed that you can take an Auxiliary Detachment of a Dedicated Transport only
  16. Gives you a lot more points to play with LH! when I've been building 8th ed lists, I'm always about 10-15 shy of the limit. Just doesn't seem to be as much "filler" options than in the past. Not a big complaint.
  17. I tracked down the sample roster on BOLS and it's Drukhari (Dark Eldar). Unfortunately, 3plusplus is down and I can't find the complete index online. Anyway, its not much help because all the stock gear on the units they chose were zero points to begin with. The Raider is the only one I couldn't find rules for. Does anyone know if it comes with a Dark Lance stock?
  18. Brother Glacius and I both cited the very clear rule that you don't pay for wargear you do not have.
  19. At the top of the Points Value section it says: "Simply add together the points costs of all your models and the wargear they are equipped with to determine your army's total points value." No Monsterous Scything Talons, no 41 points. You can't be charge for wargear you don't have.
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