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Everything posted by fluger

  1. Banewolf could be good for sure. The whole fast attack section of the dex seems great now.
  2. I'm super limited in play time, but the few games theyve done well.
  3. I guess. The basilisk has better ap and the only common T value that s10 matters is t5. The 2d6 vs 2d6 discard the lowest is significant (about 1.5 hits), but the basilisk is cheaper and can fire every round. Getting 6 extra hits that are slightly worse against most targets in the for the first 4 rounds might be worth the 35 pts, but if it survives to round 5 or 6 or even 7 the basilisk will get more shots. To me it's a question of banking on alpha strike or longjevity.
  4. I only own one and I wasn't really that impressed with it...
  5. Oh, its a battalian and a patrol.
  6. Commissar Yarrick 130 Tank Commander with Vanquisher, Lascannon, 2 Multimeltas 252 Infantry Squad with Lascannon, Flamer, and Power Axe 72 Infantry Squad with Lascannon, Flamer, and Power Axe 72 Infantry Squad with Lascannon, Flamer, and Power Axe 72 Infantry Squad with Lascannon, Flamer, and Power Axe 72 Infantry Squad with Lascannon, Flamer, and Power Axe 72 Infantry Squad with Lascannon, Flamer, and Power Axe 72 Infantry Squad with Lascannon, Flamer, and Power Axe 72 20 Conscripts 60 5 Ogryns with Ripper Guns 150 Griffon with Heavy Bolter 78 Griffon with Heavy Bolter 78 Wyvern with Heavy Flamer 99 Wyvern with Heavy Flamer 99 Basilisk with Heavy Flamer 117 Basilisk with Heavy Flamer 117 Vulture with twin punisher gatling and heavy bolter 160 Ordo Xenos Inquisitor: Needle Pistol, Force Axe 73 Calllidus Assassin 80 1997 pts Its kinda of a themed list based on my own fluff of my army (its a PDF of a forgeworld that is under invasion from a Waagh (which happens to be my Ork army, natch)) so a few things are not ideal I think but it has enough teeth against both infantry and hard targets that it should do well.
  7. 01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110000 01101001 01110010 01101001 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101100 01111001 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 01110100 01101001 01100011 00100000 01110011 01100011 01110101 01101101 00100001 00100000 00100000 01000001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000 00100001
  8. I don't think re-rolling 1s is as good as wounding on 2s vs 3s against T4. Scy Tal vs T4 is a 38.9% chance of wounding per attack Crush Claw vs T4 is a 41.7% chance of wounding per attack
  9. I learned that the relic is way easier to pick up! Quick question If a model has a rule that effects friendly models of type (whatever) and the model also is type (whatever) do they get the benefit as well? Like Chaplains, Warbosses (waagh), Old One Eye.
  10. Yeah, that's the ticket. S14 wounds everything on 3s and you're wounding everything up to T7 on 2s.
  11. These seem to be gems in the new edition. How did they fare?
  12. LH has never admitted he was ever wrong that I can remember.
  13. MRW reading these options LOL, Dale, you're the best.
  14. Want to meet up for a game half way somewhere? Heroic Knight Games in Issaquah is great!
  15. I agree with you in general, but I think it's a relatively moot point given that the easiest solution is to do what they did in other places: have different names for identical weapons. So, in the future when there is a vehicle that has the same weapon but as an option, just rename it. Done.
  16. Does he have 10 wounds? If so we played it right.
  17. Played vs Pumpkinhead last night. 1k Nids vs IG. 1. Ogryns are good, but broodlords MULCH multipoint units. 2. Lascannons are great at doing damage to multipoint models. 3. Venomthropes and Zoanthropes seem great. 4. Genestealers are scary. 5. Hanaur is right, the inability to finish off units is a thing. Figuring out when to fall back and when not to is going to be key.
  18. Seems pretty easy to use the title of the progenitor chapter for list building and use the rules for them but play as the successor chapter. So, for rules purposes a White Consuls force is Ultramarines but is painted as White Consuls. I was noodling an Aurora Chapter list using Chronus.
  19. 114 infantry and 7 tanks for the IG 163 Infantry, 4 artillery, and 4 vehicles for the Orks
  20. Played a game against myself because that's what you do! Two very flugerian armies staring at each other. 1. 9" bubble is actually hard to get through for late game arrivals. Makes it pretty easy to wall off most of your deployment zone. 2. Ogryns are real bullies. 3. Ratlings are very scary, but easy to remove. Snipers seem to be something TAC lists should consider. 4. Not having to worry about spacing is such a relief. 5. Its REALLY hard to kill vehicles now.
  21. Dual heavy flamer land speeders are also dope like this. Or Hellhounds.
  22. I don't think spagunk is hating so much as griping. 8th edition dawned bright and beautiful for most of us (Horde Orks are a legit threat! HUZZAH!) but I'm hearing plenty of BA players and basic SM players saying they lack a certain je ne sais quoi. Its early yet, but, again, if we want change, we have to advocate for change. You think BA aren't up to snuff, great, tell GW. You think BA are fine and dandy, great, tell GW. And, finally, what do you expect from the internet? I hear plenty of IRL griping and moaning at stores and gaming events. This isn't located strictly on the web. Besides, most people (who aren't post count hoarders...) only post when they feel strongly about something. For better or worse, the human mind tends to focus on negative thoughts mostly and therefore those tend to be the strongest and most likely to be expressed, especially in a safer setting like a web board devoted to a hobby.
  23. I think its perfectly valid to look at all the buffs handed out to other [big bad swear word]ty codexes and be jealous. My comment is simply this: Keep playing and try and track specifically what is lacking and make it KNOWN to GW. The points updates need to have info to make them work.
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