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Posts posted by VonVilkee

  1. Shaun is right they are out of foc but have their own requirements. Nids getting some late game objective takers is actually really good means they can actually pay the objective game.


    Again it is the player that abuses things. All those flying monstrous creatures against a dug in force with lots of Sky fire could make a really cool game, just cuz you can doesn't mean you should. And just cuz it can be done doesn't mean it will be. I'll be asking why and not making mountains outta mole hills. one guy that showed up for the wrong type of game already won't be coming back, I'm not afraid of confrontation.


    What do you guys think of only playing two rounds at 3 hours for the Saturday events? More likely to finish even with random game length and would give a less rushed more garage feel.

  2. Baby bath water and all that... I'm still not convinced data slates are the problem i'm sure some suck but I'm thinking no more than two codexes at once in any army regardless will be enough that and the fact that winning isn't the aim... I just haven't made a final determination. Bigger problem would be some one who brings the data slates that are a problematic as that type of player would abuse any system in place.


    I'm still of the mind that it is the player not the game that is the issue. We need to embrace those players and bring them around to the right way to play... not ban them into only playing each other and never learning.

  3. It's unclear in the book as originally written, but it was Errataed so that you have to LoS before rolling any Saves or similar abilities like FNP.

    Only if they lead to ANY difference in rolls allowed. So typically independent characters have to roll look out sir before attempting their saves as they differ...

  4. The thing is the game will still flourish in good gaming enviorments, but in areas where people are taking advantage of the rules and bringing jacked up armies and constantly playing to win, it will discourage new players with an unfriendly enviorment.

    The game has always had this issue and many games today have this issue. You can't have diverse awesome stuff without missing the boat occasionally and opening up issues.

  5. Run more in store events smaller things with a buy in and participate in them. If one of you stepped up and ran a consistent fantasy thing I'd participate. We are never going to be as cost efficient as magic players but if we show we are willing to pay more consistently it is an easier conversation.


    Also shame on you guys for not already spending at the shop, this is teasing. as much as the shop where you play thing came up in here I figured we already were. I know I am when he gets the sentinels book in stock I'll grab one, I buy my magnets there cuz he has good sizes and it its a nice little thing to buy.


    Edit: also waiting on a board game for a bit isn't a big deal I get all that I get from him. Generally speaking I can wait for my own copy as we play each others. just my random thoughts

    • Like 1
  6. Sherbet you missed the fact that I actually obtained Nathans keys and now have all his worldly belongings (which sadly is a hat from Hawaii and some metal terradons) Julia owns the rest. I don't blame Nathan mind you, it is just the facts :P.


    Finally I will bring Nathans stuff to the shop next week and return them.

    • Like 1
  7. Interwebz is for all things hot and bothered... Witness Shae! :p we don't keep him around for his mind...


    On topic tho I kinda hate the Internet celebrities of the hobby the I'm the best stuff so this is what you should take gets bandied around to much I like what pax keeps trying to do. Keep a child like naivety about your game pick a story and forge that narrative!

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  8. Looking for a game of 40k or malifaux Tuesday.


    40k list is supplement codex marines using one codex, 1850 pts base rules ie no escalation nor stronghold.interested in going against any thing really just be ready to give me the cons to your pros if using lord of wars or big fortifications... :)

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