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Posts posted by VonVilkee

  1. No 2k games? That makes me sad... I like 2 FOCs lol.


    I may drive the 2.5 hours up to a few of these events. I have yet to see the new Dark Tower location!

    2k games are not quite fast enough sadly, not everyone ignores whole swathes of the current rules like I do!


    I play drop pods no flyers, no fortifications, and no psykers makes for a decently quick game!

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  2. Right now I blatantly Steal what Frontline is doing. No escalation, no stronghold assault, data slates will be okay (I'm thinking no more than two codexes in one army be it via allies or slates) at 1250 I don't see it being a problem and keep in mind that this is to get out and play and on the participation piece I have reserved the right to revoke tickets this could be linked to making abusive lists.


    My recommended check is would I be willing to trade my opponent armies and play against this myself, if the answer is no figure out why and fix it! We are all slightly different I want people to just come out join the community and play. :)


    Also FW is totally okay.

  3. Acts of Faith are generally icing on the cake now. I completely agree.


    I'm kind of worried about the statement for Celestine though. Celestine's power only works on your next turn. So if you kill her on your turn 2 (let's say you went first), he has to either try to bring her back up on his next turn (bottom of Turn 2) or not bring her up at all. The funny bit is that if he chooses not to bring her up at all, you can't get Slay the Warlord. That being said, she's not as bad as she used to be. She used to get up every turn as many times as you needed on a 4+. :)

    Yeah I screwed that up(I was the sisters player) but with her slip to the edge thing, to be away from enemy it was in his favor. I would have picked up a few more inches and been out of line of sight quicker (I just confused how you preserve the Slay the Warlord point) ... I was planning on coming clean soon on my rules error. First time out with the ladies in a long time.
  4. Well that wasn't helpful.

    Good luck, you definitely have a strong tiered list. Biggest advice is don't play slow, think ahead that can be your biggest downfall in big events is slow playing and not getting the opportunity to make the crucial move for win.

    You have a good aggressive list with some hitting power but with more staying power. Focus on keep troops alive and hidden and kill your oppenents score so you can come in and sweep the vp.

    This better sound familiar! :P


    Edit: From everything I've read you could not have chosen a better first tourney! Make sure you read the player pack, for comprehension, and just know your powers. Your opponent will try to focus you on their game plan don't fall for it most players tell you more about their army by what they don't mention! Think back on our game I focused pregame on all those land raiders, what I wasn't saying was how few troops I had. 19 scoring bodies is nothing especially when 5 are in 4+armor.


    Any who have a blast and i'm looking forward to aftermath stories!

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