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Posts posted by PumpkinHead

  1. * Terivgons can't be warlord

    * Walking Tyrants need guard to stay alive, so ~350 pts down there, more if you add AG in hopes they make combat

    * Old One Eye, still not worth it

    * Deathleaper, I can see his usefulness, almost unkillable warlord, annoyance for 1 character's leadership

    * Prime, I can see him being useful if joined to a venomthrope and stuffed into a fire storm redoubt, or coming on in the backfield with a unit of warriors (would require a tyrant with hive commander)

    * Swarmlord, appears to be overcosted for what he does and requires guard to stay alive, havent tested him yet.

    • Like 3
  2.  WOW... I am late to the party.  Yes, the Bugs are no longer top tier competitive, but I think are a solid mid tier army. I am not a fan of changing rules for house rules sake. But to try a game here or there with different rules I can do.  My goal is to try out as many builds as I can at the 1500 pt level and then start increasing the points when I find a solid build at the lower level. Unfortunately with my upcoming schedule, I won't be getting in many games to test. :(

  3. New crazy idea that has been tossed around. Getting a firestorm redoubt, joining a Prime to a venomthrope and stuffing them inside.  Thus increasing the synapse and shrouded bubbles and giving anti air.  Should allow for more bodies on the ground. 

    • Like 1
  4. I'm not sure where people are getting this from. Yes, the Tyranid FAQ is outdated, but that doesn't automatically invalidate all its text- the part about not being able to use Emplacements is in no way a reference to the old codex (as opposed to the parts that say things like "On page 33, replace blah blah with...") so it still applies unless a TO or your group decides otherwise.


    Having a new codex invalidates the old FAQ. Using questions asked about an old book to dictate how you play doesn't make sense.  Will it get FAQ'd? Most likely.  Is it a loop hole that can be exploited currently? Yes.  Or maybe GW meant to allow Nids the use of emplacements so that we will go buy a bastion and use it to increase our venomthrope bubble while having a prime shooting a gun up top.

  5. * Now that Tervigons spawn gaunts post movement, if you outflank one (hive commander) that will make an immediate threat in the back field that is screaned by gaunts, and once in combat the tervigon will draw out the combat in the backfield and provide forward synapse.  


    * Another thing that is currently legal until FAQ'd: Bugs can use weapon emplacements.


    * If you put a bastion near the center line, you can use it to do many things. Increase your synapse bubble, increase your venomthrope bubble, or if truly crazy, use infiltrating genestealers to take the building and then assault out of it, giving them more livability.

    • Like 1
  6. A few things I learned this past weekend playing at Casa de Fluger:


    * If you are going to take a Crone, take 2.

    * The Mawloc is kind of fun. S6 AP2 large blast is very nice for cutting large holes in massed units.  But again, if you are giong to take 1, you might as well take another.  (Really sucks when you scatter and only hit 3 models though :( )

    * 24" range on the exocrine isn't horrible, it is the same range our hive guard have and we have gotten used to getting them into good firing positions.  Just keep a toe in area terrain and it should last you a long while. Especially if you have a more forward threat.

    * Deathleaper is a great warlord. He reduces a characters LD and he can only be snap fired at. So no templates can be fired at him. He makes a good counter assault unit.

    * For objective missions, you are better off putting the objectives near the center line of the table, as you will be pressing forward to get to that optimum 24" range.


    This dex isn't absolutely horrible, but it does force the need to have lots of synapse around.  I am leaning towards the Russian WW II tactic of quantity over quality.

    • Like 1
  7. In my couple of games this weekend, the two crones I proxied did work against Fluger's eldar, but against Koyote's marines 1 didnt want to come in from reserve and the other did some good work.  The Crone can be explained as a weak flying hell turkey.  Vector strike and a S5 AP5 "flamer".  With the added bonus of 4 haywire missiles.  The exocrine I proxied was negligible in the Eldar game, but did good work in the marine game.

    • Like 1
  8. The competition for the elite slots is really 2 units Venomthropes, and Zoanthropes. With the reduction to BS3 and no synapse hive guard are probably not as useful as a zoanthrope. We got alot stronger in the heavy support, so I am guessing those are going to be maxed out in every list. Then two units or so of warriors to keep your gribblies in line, then season to flavor.

  9. A Zthrope is 50 pts... not super cheap, but a possible baby sitter.  I never left my biovores in the back, I always kept them moving with the back line. I am guessing I will keep them near the exocrine and its baby sitter as it moves up to the 24" line.

  10. I am not sure how much 3+ will make but its something. At leas I can hide him from grav guns in gaunt brood.


    Put him in fex brood and they are done for.


    How many invul saves do we get? any outside assault?

    The only invulns are the swarmlord in CC and the zoanthropes.

  11. Reading on the internets and new dex and I am trying to hash out the spore mines.  If you miss and you get to place mines on the table: Do you place D3 mines, OR d3 mines per biovore in the unit?  The entree says the mines go up to a maximum of S10, but if you only get to place D3 mines, that is a moot point.  If you get to place D3 mines per biovore, then the maximum str 10 makes sense.

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