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Everything posted by Burk

  1. yeah thats current rules just re-packaged.
  2. there for me week 5 matchup....when they are posted. :)
  3. The Corsairs will be at WOW at 3PM teusday for game with Re=born.
  4. 1000 gc? That is different then the last tourney. Is that on purpose?
  5. Skull bunny. I have the corsairs. I will be out of the state next week but we can play the week after or next weekend. I would prefer at wow. Let me know.
  6. Team is in you slavedriver....i prefer shorter seasons.
  7. nothing is ever deleted...just might not be viewable anymore......
  8. Mod note. Any moderation actions taken are not discussed on the forums. The discussion otherwise is fruitful, so the thread is still open. Actions against the COC (code of conduct, you all agreed to by joining) are not tolerated. Thank you.
  9. Burk

    Blood Bowl II

    welcome to nuffle
  10. Dice age in vancouver plays on tuesdays.
  11. Scary is good people. He got me the startings of my admech army. if you look close about 10 of the infantry were made by him....I wont tell you which :)
  12. sure. I have it. just get me your build as soon as you know so I can make sure I have the cards. I dont plan on taking any big ships. not a fan, so i will just run 300 points of small bases and missile the big boys off the board.
  13. Pete, consider it done. what you want to play? I have all 3 epic ships if you want to use one.....but naturally I prefer empire.....thoughts?
  14. i thought the epic tourney required you take a big ship? I dont like playing with them. but if you dont have to take one, I would play that.....is it team?
  15. So I hear there is a tourney this saturday at borderlands. I am jonesing for some play, so I might go. Anyone else attending? Or is there any other tourneys this saturday closer? Burk
  16. that is actually not true. originally Bloodbowl was in the WFB universe, but was retconned about 10 years ago to say it was an alternate universe.
  17. but not hunger games right.....right?
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