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Everything posted by Weav

  1. @MexicanNinja he's playing Mooney at 4pm, but I'm not sure if he can or wants to play after that. Selfishly, I'd love to get the season finished up.
  2. @paxmiles great idea for a thread, I will contribute to it shortly.
  3. One of these days your schedule will work out for an Everett-area tournament. We always have a good time. Maybe Golden Tentacle in May...?
  4. Nothing stopping me this week tat I can think of, sorry about last week. Also, I will have Blitz Bowl with me, and I'd love to give it a try with someone.
  5. Who's going to Western Winter Bowl in Lake Stevens, WA 12/29/2018? I have @savion47 and @Burk in my car. We could handle another if someone was interested. I believe I will be going back to Dark Elves, or playing Elf Union. https://www.facebook.com/events/477870426032144/ Winter Bowl single day tournament for Blood Bowl hosted at MOB Games NAF sanctioned The store will be open at 11:00 AM and the first round will commence at 11:30 AM. Rounds will be two hours in length with a fifteen minute break between rounds. There will be a 45 minute break after the second round. For a total of three rounds. • 1.2 million gold to purchase the team and skills. • No skill may be purchased more than twice. No more than two advancements per player. • No stat increases unless that player has the trait Stunty. No more than one stat increase per player. • Permitted teams are NAF sanctioned teams. • Free Special Play cards will not be in use. • Famous Referee’s and Stadium Rules in Death Zone Two will not be in use. • Teams may also include bribes as part of the roster as per the standard inducement cost The only inducements available for purchase are star players (limit two; Brikfarth & Grotty and the Hightower twins count as one star player spot for this purpose; Grak & Crumbleberry, Black Gobbo, White Dwarf, and Josef Bugman are not allowed for purchase), Bloodwessier Babes, Master Chef (Only for Halflings), and Bribes. • Bring a pitch to play on. • A team may include an Apothecary. • Weather rules using GWS Winter Pitch table. • Standard Blood Bowl skills available for team building. Including the optional skill of Piling On. • Friendly but competitive format. No Illegal Procedure. • Players on your team with skills will need to be marked in some way – at the least by numbering your players, but skill rings are also very common or colored rubber bands. Teams are expected to be painted to a basic standard at least. • Casualties do not carry forward from match to match. • $20 entry fee comes with two custom d6 dice. • There will be 48 seats available between 12 tables with two matches per table. • First round matches will be ensured to be against coaches that did not travel together. • The top two Stunty teams will be matched up in round three, and the winner will be the Stunty Cup champion, regardless of tournament points. • Rules will be based on Blood Bowl 2016 and will be done in accordance with clarifications by the NAF per the following link: https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/NAF-Rules-Update-v1-3.pdf • The NAF optional Wizard inducement will not be in use at this event. Stunly Cup: Stunty teams will play for their own cup while still participating in the main tournament Stunty teams include Goblins, Halflings, Lizardman (only when team build is all Skinks or plus a Kroxigor), Ogres and Underworld teams (without Skaven players). Star players can be added to a stunty team without disqualifying them from the Stunty Cup. Preregistration: Coaches are not required to submit rosters ahead of time. Though they are encouraged to do so to make the morning of the event go more smoothly. Rostered can be submitted to me via email to relictor@gmail.com Reservation of seating can be done by either paying the fee to me in person if you’re local or via PayPal to the listed email address above. Tournament Scoring: • Win is three points • Loss is zero points • Tie is one point Tie-breakers: The first tie-breaker will be head to head record; second would be score differential (scored for vs scored against); third is casualties (for vs against); final is sportsmanship. Prizes: o King in the North (champion) o Players Choice o Best Sportsmanship o Raffled Prize Recognitions: o Most Brutal (with most KO and Casualty points) o Best Offense o Best Defense (fewest scores against the team) o Stunly Cup Prize support is dependent on attendance. Entrance fees go into the cost of set up and prizes. No coach may claim more than one prize. Entrance fee is $20 with a $5 discount to anyone with NAF membership.
  6. @Brick Bungalow @MOONEY @ninefinger @MexicanNinja Update please on final game scheduling?
  7. Not sure, possibly April for Dungeon Bowl Sevens if I can get pitches printed.
  8. There are now ten coaches signed up! Six more to hit goal, with room for eight more after that.
  9. The final games in the Middenland Division (Two) are complete. We have three games left in The Moot Division (Four) and once they’re played, we can move forward with the playoffs. @Brick Bungalow @MOONEY @MexicanNinja @ninefinger
  10. Okay, all...not much clamor for a fun league. Instead, we will run The Human League as planned in March, and if we get a request from non-HL coaches for more Blood Bowl, we will play a short Super League come April or so. We may have the Super League start as a Sevens for a few games, then go to full Blood Bowl, and name a champ off of a single playoff between teams one and two. I will only be doing this if people ask for it. The Fananticus Founders Cup will begin in June, and is intended for very experienced, mean teams. We need a minimum of eight teams to sign up for it though. More to come this spring.
  11. That would require admin access as far as I know. Burk and I do the easy admin stuff, but @savion47 is the main man.
  12. So far, both the Averland Division (One) and Ostermark Division (Three) are done with the regular season. We have two outstanding games in the Middenland Division (Two) and Four in The Moot Division (Four). Please get those played ASAP so we can start the playoffs. @Ziggens @sbr @Damien @Bosco @Brick Bungalow @MOONEY @ninefinger @Blustorm @MexicanNinja
  13. I’d like to do once a week like last season, Sun - Thu for games and Waivers/Free agency Fri - Sat
  14. We’re up to eight players, planned on about sixteen, room for 24. Sign up now, don’t upset Nikk!
  15. I wish you were buying this on PS4 instead, it's been too long since we gamed... In my limited experience, you can play together in the same room, and you can play vs someone that you have as a console friend. This is based on PS4 experience.
  16. Weav


    If Spike is released tomorrow I look forward to buying for the ride home from The Matrix Bowl
  17. Weav


    I’m looking forward to getting the issue of Spike!
  18. Anybody have any? Do they even exist? I need four, preferably on the small side.
  19. Five players signed up, four of which are from out of town...get going, locals!
  20. If the playoffs were today, here would be the first round matchups: 1 Khainesas City Chiefs (@Weav) vs. 8 Semper Regalis (@jollyork) 4 Time Bandits (@Ziggens) vs. 5 Garblaat Greenskins (@kb10r) 2 Southland Reavers (@Burk) vs. 7 Low Elf Esteem (@Bosco) 3 Golden Skull Warriors (@Blustorm) vs. 6 Khorgar Bengals (@Zorcon) Obviously these matchups can, and likely will, change with the completion of round eight (and nine/ten for The Moot).
  21. In a multi-tie, head to head would become total points earned vs the other teams in the tie. In this case, Bucolic Frolic would win the tie as they would have seven points, Time Bandits six, and Low Elf Esteem four...of my math is correct.
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