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Posts posted by Xavier319

  1. It looks like a very generic battle company. I honestly dont feel like it takes advantage of many of the unique tools of the raptors, nor is it very fluffy. effective? certainly. I hate to be negative nancy. maybe rhinos or razorbacks would work better for fluff reasons. utilize their scouting and stealth. Dont just mass boltguns and free transports. If you wanna do drop pods, do fists or sentinels of terra, or someone who's stuff synergizes better with raptors. I ran into that problem trying to make Iron hands into raptors, so i just have two marine armies now.

  2. Our universe began in purity and it will return to that blessed state. Hastening that return is the great work of the perfected beings I have awoken and who have made me their own.  Overlord Bahadur of the Blainebess Dynasty. 


    XD Translation: I'm in.

  3. Alright folks, it's time. Everyone sound off if they are going to be participating in the league this spring. I expect to see both Cory and Steph here, or heads will roll.


    It's going to be more campaigny this time, but still with Escalation-style options to allow for new players. I think you guys are going to like what I have in store. Estimated start date is 2-3 weeks!

  4. Sounds awesome AP. I've got a Raptor's army that's pretty scout-heavy (only about 40, but it's not too bad. So I'm excited to see what you come up with. I REALLY wish you could use the Talon with something other than Raven Guard.

  5. I personally find battle company extremely dull to play, effective or not. So if you find that kind of list engaging. I would go with massed TL Ass Can spam on your bat company. I do NOT like the twin-battle cannon on the knight with a battle company at all, mostly because you have so many free tanks and guys all over, once things get mixed up, the two shot BC has a hard time even firing. the warden is much more my speed, and with some diivination support can be terrifying against fliers, a weakness for bat comp. That's my two cents.

  6. well, if we can get steph and cory to start coming regularly that'd be nice. We've had several types come in so far, buy stuff, and say the might show up on saturdays. Hopefully james will put up something on the wall over the 40k stuff about saturday 40k days. Maybe he can make me fliers to hang around campus again.

  7. My thought is that since Issodon is who he is. his honor guard are used in a support reconnaisance role, not in a bodyguard role. since he prefers tactics over tradition. That and their artificer armor would have been handed down from their parent chapter 10,000 years ago, and lovingly preserved. So they chose to keep the cruz/scout designation on the right shoulder pad. and replace the rest of the markings.

  8. True, i'm worried about having them ALL in the ground. It might look kinda goofy. LIke the all just developed a massed case of butter fingers. do you think hanging any off the power backpacks would be tacky? I'd need straps I think.


    And the raptors' chapter tactic lets them fire their boltguns as heavy 1 and gain rending, so more or less sniper rifles. and i'm replacing their guns as the barrels are impractical (ie. they will break) and giving them equally awesome sniper-boltguns). but yes, the honor guard get power weapons.

  9. using the raven guard forge world models in my previous post on raven guard symbols. Since I am running them as honor guard, I hae no idea how to add the power mauls, thunder hammer, etc to the models, since both of their hands are occupied. I would like to hang from belts or have them over their shoulders, but I feel I would have to green stuff some straps to hang them. where should I hang them do you think? any creative ways to put them on there? here's the link to the models.




    using some moderately sized power mauls and hammers and such. they have hands, so i thought about cutting the hafts and having them sticking out from under their cloaks, but i wouldnt know where to put them..

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