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Posts posted by Xavier319

  1. Dont get smarmy with me bryan! :(  I'd be fine with whatever.. I just love the team aspect so much. Dont make me a sad ork. pwease?


    Alright alright. I'll trust you Bryan. You're good at stuff, most of the time. Sometimes. Well you eat bacon well.


    Okay I'm not helping my case here... let's start over...


    I'll give you guys the benefit of the doubt, okay? Make me wanna yell "WAAAAGH!!!" not "Waaaaaah!"

    • Like 3
  2. I'm not thrilled about lack of ITC, at all. Unmodified shooting D, unclear rule designations, by the book invisibility, and no list approval. The move away from the team format is a bit of a drag too. Getting to hang out with, and play alongside your friends was one of the main draws for me, as was the captain matchups and things like team on team drinking games. Are we going to be playing in tables adjacent to our teammates anymore, or simply spread out individually now?

    • Like 3
  3. Alright, so I have come up with an idea. For each week of the eight week league, you will be able to choose between a killteam or standard sized game of 40k, both of which will give different benefits during the end of campaign appoc game. I will also be running a standard 1850 tournament at the end of the campaign, as well as a 200 pt kill team tournament as well. So an appoc game, two tournaments, and eight weeks of league. Get ready people! It's time to load your boltguns, charge your chainswords, and bash your grotz, War's a commin!

    • Like 2
  4. Alright guys. the time of the spring league is coming up. I can only assume you guys would like to do a full on league this time, instead of a kill team league. I'm considering a sort of combo league, with themed missions sometimes using kill team and sometimes using standard rules, and sometimes using my own. I'd like the league to run three months, and each month to be punctuated by a small tournament. At least one of these tournaments will be a kill team tournament, 200 points, specific rules to come. That way we can make money for the store and get everyone back in and playing some 40k. Sound off, who will be around to play in the league this spring? I'm thinking of starting in late january late febuary.

  5. Alright, we're in the middle of the holiday wargaming drought. Happens every year. Once the new year hits, I'd like to start warming back up for new armies, new games, and a new league! So everyone that is up for the start of a new league let me know. I'm thinking the start of February or the end of January.


    Who is starting a new army this year? Any significant army expansions?


    Is anyone joining us and Rob going across the land to hit up OFCC in July?


    Just seeing how everyone is doing, and getting everything thinking about dice and little plastic men!

  6. I am getting out of hordes, and would like to sell a very large collection of Skorne minis. Most are built, only a few are primed or painted, and 99% of them are undamaged. I would be willing to let them all go for 50% MSRP plus shipping. I can let anyone who is interested in a large hordes buy know what I have.  I would be accepting payment through paypal or money order as I am no longer physically IN Portland. I really need the money to help me pay for my doctorate in Ohio. I'm trustworthy, just ask any of the core Ordo guys. Anyone interested please reply here or email me at sw222614@ohio.edu

    • Like 1
  7. I know it's a big commitment, and it carries a price tag, but I assure you the experience is worth it. If we only get a few people, we can find a place for you guys in another team, no sweat. dont let that dissuade you.

    • Like 1
  8. How many points are your heavy bolters? Remember, you only get 50 points worth of wargear. so the heavybolters, combi-weapons, storm bolter, power weapon, and the flamers AND jump packs on the assault marines count as wargear. if it's not included in the base cost of the model, it comes out of your wargear points.

    • Start with 400 points worth of basic infantry. With a maximum of 50 points worth of wargear and special upgrades per kill team (this is included in the 400 points). The initial wargear points are only usable at team creation. Any that are not spent then, are lost.
    • Basic infantry defined as infantry type models. Nothing with a veteran style statline (ie, command squad, crisis suit, etc). See end of document for list of what are allowable starting models for each faction.
    • Your roster is 400 points, but most games will be 200 points. You will construct your team before each game, from your roster.
    • May not start with vehicles
    • Choose your warlord upgrade, do not roll.
    • Warlord trait must be re-rolled if new warlord is ever chosen (due to death or choice).
    • Choose three models that receive random veteran skills from a category of your choice. No two may have a skill from the same category.
    • Models roll on a chart if they get a kill. If they are removed as a casualty, roll on another chart. If they break, roll on another chart. (provided below)
    • At any point you may replace lost points with ‘basic infantry’ models with no wargear or skills.
    • At the end of the week’s games you may release models and remove them from your Kill Team.
    • Max roster size is 40 models, including vehicles.
    • May upgrade basic infantry to alternate unit types based on same models
      • Ie. Tactical marines to bikers, or to sternguard veterans. Or may be changed into vanguard veterans.
      • Any model that has at least one veteran skill may be upgraded to new unit types. These units must still meet minimum size requirements and you must devote the requisite points.
    • May release soldiers in order to make room points wise within your Kill Team for vehicles, upgrades or other units at any point, but only just enough for what is needed.
    • After each game, a kill team gains a number of ‘wargear points’ for which to save or spend on upgrades, wargear or units. To upgrade tactical marnies to veterans, you must pay the points difference, etc. Basic infantry does not come out of this pool! You may save points indefinitely. You may ‘sell’ wargear and weapons for half their cost (round down). Win 3d6 tie 2d6 lose 1d6 points.
    • Each week you my fill out your lost points in your roster, ONLY with ‘basic infantry’ as stated above.
    • Each game, roll on a chart for the type of game to be played, or play the special mission for the week. May only play the special mission once per week.
    • Captured Models may be ransomed back to the owning player for wargear/upgrade points, or traded for other captives.
    • Costs to upgrade basic infantry into other types (tactical marine to biker), those points must come from your ‘wargear points’ from playing games, but still take up points from your 400 point roster.
    • Models must be fielded in the units that they are purchased with in the overall kill team roster. If a model is removed as casualty, and the unit had upgrades, newly added models may not be added to that unit as they lack the required upgrades, and the unit must be fielded with fewer models. If such losses brings a unit below minimum size, that unit may not be fielded.
    • Basic infantry added to units with unit-wide upgrades (such as astra militarum veteran doctrines, or EMP grenades on a strike team) are the only exception to the rule that prevents the purchasing of wargear or upgrades between games (usually only allowed at the end of a week).
    • Veteran sergeant upgrades do not count as ‘upgrades’ or ‘wargear’.
    • Any upgrade that is not part of a model’s base cost, such as assault marine jump packs or EMP grenades for a Fire Warrior Strike Team, count as wargear.


    If a model gets a kill during a game, roll on the following chart after the conclusion of the game – 11-66

    11-16 nothing

    21-56 gain one random veteran skill from a random chart

    61-65 gain one random veteran skill from a chart of your choice, or remove one random injury

    66 gain one veteran skill of your choice


    If a model breaks and flees the battle, roll on the following chart after the conclusion of the game – 11-66

    11 killed by allies for fleeing

    12-16 captured by opposing player

    21-26 flees from battle, must sit out next battle

    31-56 flees from battle

    61-66 flees from battle, comes back with 5 points worth of wargear or weapons that they ‘found’ as an apology for fleeing.


    If a model gets removed as a casualty, roll on the following chart after the conclusion of the game – 11-66

    11-13 dead, remove from roster, lose wargear/weapons.

    14-16 dead, remove from roster, retain wargear/weapons.

    21-26 lose one random veteran skill, gain an injury

    31-56 gain one random injury

    61-65 gain one random injury and one random vereran skill

    66 gain one random veteran skill


    Injury table – 11-66

    11-13 -1 toughness, must sit out one game

    14-16 -1 strength, must sit out one game

    21-23 -1 ballistic skill

    24-26 -1 weapon skill

    31-33 -1 initiative

    34-36 -1 attack (min 1), if only 1 attack, re-roll

    41-46 -1 leadership

    51-53 cannot run

    54-56 always moves as if in difficult terrain

    61-63 always strikes last in close combat

    64-66 superficial wound, no penalty

    List of acceptable ‘basic infantry’:

    Space Marines: Tactical Marines, Scouts, Assault Marines, Crusader Squad

    Adeptas Sororitas: Battle Sisters, Doinions, Seraphim

    Blood Angels: Tactical Marines, Scouts, Assault Marines

    Dark Angels: Tacical Marines, Scouts, Assault Marines

    Grey Knights: Strike Squad, Interceptors, Purifiers

    Space Wolves: Grey Hunters, Bloodclaws, Scouts, Skyclaws

    Deathwatch: Kill Teams (no bikes)

    Cult Mechanicus: Kataphron Breachers, Kataphron Desroyers, Electro Priests (both types)

    Skitarii: Rangers, Vanguards, Rust Stalkers, Infiltrators

    Astra Militarum: Infantry Platoon, Rough Riders, Veteran Squad, Ratlings, Ogryn, Bullgryn

    Chaos Daemons: Any Basic Daemon type

    Chaos Space Marines: Chaos Marine Squad, Cultists, Raptors

    Dark Eldar: Kabalite Warriors, Scourges, Wytches, Beast Packs, Hellions, Wracks, Mandrakes

    Eldar: Guardians, Storm Guardians, Dire Avengers

    Harlequins: Troupe

    Inquisition: Henchmen

    Khorne Daemonkin: Cultists, Chaos Space Marines, Bloodletters

    Militarum Tempestus: Scions

    Necrons: Warriors, Scarab Swarms, Wraiths, Flayed Ones

    Orks: Boys, Gretchin, Kommandoz, Burna Boyz, Tankbustas, Stormboyz

    Tau Empire: Strike Squad, Breacher Squad, Gun Drone Squadron, Pathfinders, Vespid, Kroot Carnivores

    Tyranids: Hormagaunts, Termagaunts, Warriors, Genestealers, Shrikes, Raveners, Gargoyles

    Genestealer Cults: Neophyte Hybrids, Acolyte Hybrids, Genestealers

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